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Come into my presence 
Find a spot you like and..."Let Your Mind Go"

Let go of every notion or every prejudice you might have.
Open your mind to new feelings
And open your heart to new emotions.
While you are here
You are not allowed to control your feelings or emotions
Use whatever drug,here, you would like.
Don't forget to sign my guestbook
or the hallucinations on the wall will get you!

Peace, and don't make me say that I told you so!

(*Please note that I work in a pharmacy and sell drugs legally.
That is where the humor is supposed to be at in my main page!)

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New Picture Drugs
Depressed Drugs
Me Drugs?
Picture Drugs
Bryan Drugs
Funny Drugs
Bizarre Drugs
Quote Drugs
Thinking Drugs
Poetry Drugs
Immortalization Drugs
Link Drugs

Here is a recent quote from me:
Love is so much deeper than
the wounds we receive from it

What'd you come all the way down here for?

Email me at:
