During the six
centuries which elapsed between the life-time of the great Georgian
Athonites and that of the tragic Queen Ketevan, the kingdom of
Georgia under-went great vicissitudes. At the time of the Crusades
the inspiring leadership of King David the Builder (1089-1125)
and Queen Tamar ( 1184-1213) enabled the coun-try to emerge as
leader of a pan-Caucasian Christian empire. But the Mong~ invasions
of the 1230's, and the later campaigns of Tamerlane, brought
all this achieve-ment down in ruins. The fall of Constantinople to
the Turks in 1453 cut off Georgia from Western Christen-dom,
and left her a prey to the rising Muhammadan powers Ottoman Turkey
and Safavi Iran.
Early in the iyth century, Shah
Abbas the Great of Persia embarked on a series of campaigns to
subjugate Eastern Georgia. He was helped by the defection of Giorgi
Saakadze, a prominent general in the service of the young Georgian
monarch, Luarsab of Kartli. Saakadze guided the Shah's armies, which
vented their fury on Eastern Georgia; churches were devastated, icons
and crosses broken up and the jewels given for orna-ments to the
Shah's concubines. Many people saved themselves by fleeing to the
woods and mountain strong-holds, hut at least sixty thousand were
massacred. The rest of the population was deported to remote parts of
Persia. To quote Pietro della Valle, a contemporary Italian observer:
"Today Persia proper, Kirman or
Carmania, Mazan-deran on the Caspian Sea and many other lands of this
empire are all full of Georgian and Circassian inhabi-tants. Most of
them remain Christian to this day, but in a very crude manner, since
they have neither priest nor minister to tend them. . .. There is no
grandee who does not want all his wives to be Georgian, because it is
a very handsome race, and the king himself has his palace full of
them. . . . It would be too long to narrate all that has passed in
this miserable migration, how many murders, how many deaths caused by
privation, how many seduc-tions, rapes and acts of violence, how many
children drowned by their own parents or cast into rivers through
despair, some snatched by force from their mother's breasts because
they seemed too weak to live and thrown down by the wayside and
abandoned there to be food for wild beasts or trampled underfoot by
the horses and camels of the army, which marched for a whole day on
top of dead bodies; how many sons separated from their fathers, wives
from their husbands, sisters from their brothers, and carried off to
distant countries without hope of ever meeting again. Throughout the
camp, men and women were sold on this occasion much cheaper than
beasts, because of the great number of them."
King Luarsab of Kartli was
sufficiently trusting to accept the Shah's offer of peace
negotiations; on arriving in the Persian camp he was arrested, and
later strangled near Shiraz. The other ruler of Eastern Georgia,
Teimuraz I of Kakheti, preferred resistance, and allied himself
alternately with the Russians and the Turks to carry on guerilla
In revenge, Shah 'Abbas castrated
the two young sons of Teimuraz whom he already held as hostages. To
the mother of Teimuraz, the Queen Dowager Ketevan, whom he also held
in his power, he offered the chance of adopting Islam and entering
his harem. On her re-fusal, she was cruelly
martyred at Shiraz on September 22nd,
1624. The following account of her Passion is translated
from a contemporary report from the Angus-tinian missionary fathers
in Persia addressed to the Papal See; the original text was first
published in 1910 by the late Father Michael Tamarati.
From a report of the
Augustinian Fathers in
Passion of Queen Ketevan
After Queen Ketevan
was conducted to Shiraz, Brother Ambrose, who was then in that town,
entered into contact with her and also with all the members of her
household, who numbered about forty. They used to come to Mass at
Brother Ambrose's church, and showed a great leaning towards the
Catholic religion. Queen Ketevan sent to tell Brother Ambrose that
she wished him to confess all her retinue (luring Lent; on the day of
his patron saint, St. Augustine, she sent him from her chapel and
oratory some pictures, candlesticks and carpets to adorn the church,
as well as one of her men who could model wax, to make candles and
While Brother Ambrose was
entertaining great hopes of harvesting the fruit of his fatigues
through the con-version of these persons, the King of Persia sent
certain of his minions to Shiraz; they were instructed to tell the
Georgian queen in his name to become a Muhammadan, and that he would
take her as his wife and give her great riches. If she refused, they
were to put her to death with great torments. The queen replied that
nothing on earth would make her abandon the faith of her Saviour, our
Lord Jesus Christ, nor her chastity, which she valued more than all
the trea~'res in the world. The officials begged her again not to
expose herself to suffer such tortures, and to have pity on her
tender flesh; but nothing could shake her constancy. When they saw
this, the officials, after striving in vain to persuade her, told her
to prepare to suffer the torments, and she asked for permission to
say her prayers. This being granted, she entered her chapel, went
down on her knees and prayed our Lord God to accord her His grace, to
give her strength to suffer all these tortures for His holy faith.
When she had committed herself to
God's keeping she went out and told the minions that they might do
what the king had commanded. The officials begged her afresh to have
pity on herself a weak woman, and not to con-demn herself to so
miserable a death. The queen replied that they might give up trying
to persuade her, for it was time wasted. The officials had already
lit a great fire and inserted iron pincers into it, which were now as
hot as the fire itself. They stripped the queen from her neck to her
walst, and taking the red-hot pincers, they tore away the flesh from
her delicate body with great cruelty, until at last the queen fell
half dead to the ground, though continuing to invoke our Lord God
with the greatest courage and fortitude. When she had fallen to the
ground, they picked up the whole brazier and threw it on her body,
anti finally put her to death by strangling her with a bowstring.
It is to he believed that this queen
is partaking of God's glory in heaven, for although she belonged to
the Greek rite, she was most cordially disposed towards the Holy
Catholic Church and to all the Latins, showing them every mark of
affection and helping them as much as she could. She lived on such
good terms with us that it is impossible to believe that she was
ill-disposed to the Holy Catholic Church. A rumour was current among
the people of her country that her tomb was enveloped in an aura of
shining light.
Email: b.sisauri@mailexcite.com