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True friends,

What are they,

The word friend has lots of meanings,
They are people who care for you,

They are the ones that comfort you in time of need,

They can share your joys, happiness and friendship,
They see you mature and change your ways,
They know when you are in despair,

They are helpful to you in every way,
They know if there are troubles and woes,
Your true friends are there to lead the way,


Sunshines Friends In Virtual Places

SPESHAL1: She is always ready to help someone in need. She shares her knowledge where ever she can. For this her nick does suit.

JIM : First off is Jim a dear friend who has been there in my time of need, he has shared my ups and downs though we have never met. I feel the closeness of his friendship. When we talk its like he can read my thoughts he knows what I am feeling at the time.

KARIBA : Now we can't forget Kariba what laughter we have, he gives me joy with all his antics and numerous jokes, there will never be a dull moment when he is around.

TOOLMAKER : Here is someone who must surf day after day for the abundance of jokes he passes my way. He has always given me a laugh every day to keep the sadness away.

HUBBY : Ah! now we come to Hubby, well what a joy he can bring to your heart, he is gentle and caring and such a pleasure to be with. Our chats are short but each time he leaves me with a smile to brighten my day.

BEAR : Even though I didn't meet him in VP I consider him a dear friend with a talent beyond compare. He can always sing up a storm.

PJQ : Hmmmm!! what a buzz he has when he comes on line, I never go off here without a *grin*, *chuckle* or *smirk* on my face, with with all the fun we have to share.

ESCADO : Now he has his own little chirpy character, he brings laughter to me and smiles every day. He likes to win the game when we play, but if he loses we can have a joke and carry on again.

CCSTYLE : What flair she has, her web pages are wonderful, she has helped me with my web pages I don't know what I would have done without her help along the way.

*special friend indeed*.

FLSUN : He is a wonderful friend indeed. I have shared so much with him , he listens to what I have to say. he is a true friend. His partner in life is as caring as he is, they are true friends. I was so happy when I met them on my trip to the States.

RAYJAY: This is someone who is never short of words to say, he is full of character. never dull when he is here.

PAX: I have not known her for very long, but she has become a good friend and has helped me out many times.

RUSTY: He has become a good friend, his smile and happy disposition is a great asset to him, thanks for being here.

FRANK: He has helped me in so many ways with my trip answered all my questions ask whether they were small or large. He has always been there for me and is someone special. When I met him and his wife it was a treat indeed to have met such wonderful people.


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