"The Single Parent - A Christian Guide" by Viginia Watts Smith-1983,Power Books
"Discipline Without Shouting Or Spanking" by Jerry Wyckoff & Barbara C. Unell- 1984, Meadowbrook Press
"Single Moments" by Lynda Hunter-1997, Focus On The Family Publishing
"Single Parenting - A Wilderness Journey" by Robert G. Barnes,Jr.-1988,Tyndale
"Little Things, Long Remembered ~ Making Your Children Feel Special Every Day" by Susan Newwman - 1993, Crown Publishers, Inc.
"The Prayer of Jabez ~ Breaking through to the Blessed Life" by Bruce Wilkinson - 2000, Multnomah Publishers, Inc. The Prayer of Jabez
"The Power of a Praying Parent" by Stormie Omartian - 1995, Harvest House Publishers, Inc. (this book has made a huge difference for us. I learned how to pray for specific things I want for my daughter ~ Stormie really opened my eyes!) The Power of a Praying Parent
"Christian Parenting" by Betsy Dawn Inskeep Smylie - 1991, Upper Room Books.
"Beyond The Crocodiles - Reflections on Being Divorced and Being Christian" by Patricia Wilson - 1990, Upper Room Books.
"Who Put All These Cucumbers in My Garden?" by Patricia Wilson - 1984, Upper Room Books.
The Financial Guide for the Single Parent
In a 2001 College Student Journal study of 248 unmarried students, 79 percent agreed "it is perfectly okay for a woman to raise a child without a husband". Researchers say that time has altered attitudes; marriage is no longer a prerequisite for having children, and having children is no longer a motivating force for getting married. In addition, the stereotypical profile of a single mom is no longer that of the poor young woman who becomes a parent because of carelessness, lack of judgement or desire for welfare. It's now of a mature woman who conciously chooses single parenthood.
August 26, 2002
July 23, 2002
June 2, 2002
May this summer be a blessed and relaxing one for all of us!
April 24, 2002
God Bless you all! Kiss those babies, they are such blessings!
December 29, 2001 ~ The year is almost over, and what a year it's been. We've been blessed this year. My daughter is healthy and happy, I've got a good job, parttime job, friends, health,my family is nearby and we share alot together. We celebrated my Nana's 80th birthday, a cousin remarried this autumn, and I hope she is going to be happy again, my daughter is able to take acting and tap classes that she adores, and we have everything we *need*. God has been good. Of course, many in our nation are hurting this December, because they have lost a loved one in the insanity that plagued us on September 11th. That was truly the most shocking, horrendous day of my life. I'll never forget a moment of it. But good has come of it, as well: Look at the swell in patriotism that it revived, the love of country, the coming together of Democrats and Republicans as AMERICANS! The highest approval ratings ever for our wonderful president, George W. Bush. It's been a year to remember. We'll never forget the things we saw on 9/11, and we'll be telling that tale to our grandchildren, God willing. So take time to write down (in a journal, scrapbook, whatever) the things that made 2001 unforgettable for you. I pray that you all have had a wonderful holiday season, and that 2002 will be the best year yet! May God bless us all! Love and hugs, Aimee
November 11, 2001 Do you ever have days where you just feel like you failed as a parent? Today was that day for me. Katie and I have been fussing and fighting all day, and that is the worst feeling. She got on the phone with my sister and said she was going to live there!! (Keep in mind, she is a seven-year-old who has phenomenal tantrums these days!!) When I calmly said, "no, sweetie, you're not" she freaked out!! And I lost it and said "pack your bags, babe!" I was so angry. Felt betrayed I guess. I mean, she and I are a team - we go together and do everything together! So then, after a huge fit, she pulled a blanket and pillow out on the couch to sleep. I went out twice, and she was quite adament that she would stay there. I came in the bedroom and cried. It hurt! But, she came in a few minutes later and quietly said "I can't go to sleep without you, Mommy" and the dam broke - we both cried and hugged and promised to not fight like that again. It's been stressful here lately, money issues (as always), family dynamics with extended family members, my working several jobs, lack of sleep, etc. I hope it gets better. I did receive a wonderful email today. An article I submitted to a local Christian website was accepted, and they asked me to contribute regularly! Whoo hoo!! So things are looking up. Back to work now ~ can't believe Thanksgiving is next week! Where does the time go? Off to snuggle with my baby, then back to the grindstone....
We've just returned from the best vacation ever! A secluded beach near Mexico Beach on the gulf. It was truly a glimpse of heaven. How can you not walk away from a sunset at the beach and not praise God for the wonderous sights He made for us to enjoy! The salty air, the breeze coming off the ocean, the feel of sugary white sand between your toes. I love the beach! My little one enjoyed surfing on her boogie board, taking long walks with her cousins and me, looking for beautiful shells, spending quiet time each evening playing in the waves, and being a family. It doesn't matter how many are in your family. It matters that you are there for each other, and that you love and take care of one another. That was important for us to do ~ and we came home a better family because of it. It was more than I ever imagined it to be! I'm already daydreaming of next year's return to that incredible retreat! Sometimes you just have to get completely away from everything in your day-to-day life: the phones, voicemail, email and work. It took a good day or two to quit worrying about my inbox, who had called, and who might have emailed! I will admit to being tempted to pay for 15 minutes of internet access at the gas station, until my sister said - "can you believe someone would come down here, and then feel like they had to check email?!" That snapped me out of it right away! I got a lovely tan, so did Katie, and my outlook on work has gotten much better! So - that was a well spent week, and it will be repeated!! Take time for yourself, and you'll be better for it. If you don't take care of you, how can you take care of others???
If I hadn't had children, I probably would have had more money and material things. I probably would have gone more places, gotten more sleep and pampered myself more. My life would have been much more boring and predictable. As a result of being a parent, I have laughed harder, and cried more often. I have worried more and hurried more. I've had less sleep but somehow I've had more fun. I've learned more and grown more. My heart has ached harder, and I've love to a capacity beyond my imagination. I've given more of myself, but I've derived more meaning from life. ~Author Unknown~
Little girls are the nicest things that happen to people. They are born with a little bit of angel-shine about them and though it wears thin sometimes, there is always enough left to lasso your heart, even when they are sitting in the mud, or crying tempermental tears, or parading up the street in mother's best clothes.
A little girl can be sweeter (and badder) oftener than anyone else in the world. She can jitter around and stomp, and make funny noises that frazzle your nerves, yet just when you open your mouth, she stands there demure with that special look in her eyes. A girl is Innocence playing in the mud, Beauty standing on it's head, and Motherhood dragging a doll by the foot.
Girls are available in 5 colors - black, white, red, yellow or brown, yet Mother Nature always manages to select your favorite color when you place your order. They disprove the law of supply and demand - there are millions of little girls, but each is as precious as rubies. God borrows from many creatures to make a little girl. He uses the song of a bird, the squeal of a pig, the stubborness of a mule, the antics of a monkey, the spryness of a grasshopper, the curiosity of a cat, the speed of a gazelle, the slyness of a fox, the softness of a kitten, and to top it all off, He adds the myesterious mind of a woman.
A little girl likes new shoes, party dresses, small animals, first grade, noise makers, the girl next door, dolls, make believe, dancing lessons, ice cream, kitchens, coloring books, make-up, cans of water, going visiting, tea parties and one boy. She doesn't care so much for visitors, boys in general, large dogs, hand-me-downs, straight chairs, vegetables, snow suits, or staying in the front yard. She is loudest when you are thinking, prettiest when she has provoked you, the busiest at bedtime, the quietest when you want her to show off and the most flirtatious when she absolutely must not get the best of you again.
Who else can cause you more grief, joy, irritation, satisfaction, embarrassment and genuine delight than this combination of Eve, Salome, and Florence Nightengale? she can muss up your home, your hair and your dignity - spend your money, your time and your temper - then just when your patience is ready to crack, her sunshine peeks through and you've lost again.
Yes, she is a nerve-racking nuisance, just a noisy bundle of mischief. But when your dreams tumble down and the world is a mess - when it seems you are pretty much of a fool after all - she can make you a king (queen) again when she climbs on your knee and whispers, "I love you best of all!"
written by Alan BeckMy precious child, I have slipped into your room to sit with you as you sleep, and watch the rise and fall of your breath for a while. Your eyes are peacefully closed and your soft brown hair frames your cherubic face. Just moments ago as I sat with my work in the den, a mounting sadness came over me while I contemplated the day's events. I could no longer keep my attention on my work, and so I have come to talk to you, in the silence as you rest. In the morning I was impatient with you as you dawdled and dressed slowly, telling you to stop being such a slowpoke. I scolded you for misplacing your shoes and capped off breakfast with a disapproving look as you spilled food on your shirt. "Again?" I sighed, and shook my head. You just smiled at me and said "Bye Mama".In the afternoon, I made calls while you played, singing aloud and gesturing to yourself, with all of your toys lined up in jovial rows on the bed. I motioned irritably for you to be quiet and stop all the racket, then spent another hour on the phone. It was quiet in your room.
In the evening, I worked at my desk, and you approached me hesitantly,"Will you read me a story tonight, mama?", you asked, with a glimmer of hope. "Not tonight" I said abruptly, "Your room is still a mess - how many times do I have to remind you?" You wandered off toward your room, head down. Before long, you were back, again! "Now what do you want?" I asked in an agitated tone of voice. You didn't say a word - you just bounced over, threw your arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. "Good night, mama, I love you" was all you said, as you squeezed tightly. And then as swiftly as you had appeared, you were gone.
After that, I sat with my eyes fixed on the desk, feeling a wave of remorse come over me. At what point did I lose the rhythm of the day, I wondered, and at what cost? You hadn't done anything to evoke my mood, you were just being a child - busy at the task of growing and learning. I got lost today in my adult world of responsibilites and demands, and had little energy left for you. You became my teacher today, with your unrestrained urge to rush in and kiss me goodnight, even after an arduous day of tip-toeing around my moods.
And now,as I see you lying fast asleep, I yearn for the day to start all over again. Tomorrow, I will treat myself with as much understanding as you have shown me today, so that I can be a real mom - offering a warm smile when you awaken, a word of encouragement after school, and an animated story before bed. I will laugh when you laugh, and cry when you cry. I will remind myself that you are a child,not a grownup, and I will enjoy being your mom. Your resilent spirit has touched me today, and so I come to you in this late hour to thank you, my child, my teacher and my friend, for the gift of your love.
~Author Unknown~
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