Quotes from Greek class!

1. "Since you've stuck your neck out, we may as well try to hack it off." -- Dr. Karl Maurer (DKM)
2. "Here it's not an abstract noun, it's an indefinite concrete noun." -- DKM
3. "Now that the sentences are getting more complex, you should be dimly aware of it at least." -- DKM
4. "You could call it the pregnant use." -- DKM
5. "Fronimos is a person who has sagacity; he has horse-sense." -- DKM
6. "It's one big, long noun." -- DKM
7. "Why does God or nature make pimples? What is their function?" -- DKM
8. "This building I like...comparatively speaking, of course. Compared to a beautiful building, it's trash." -- DKM [on Carpenter Hall at the University of Dallas]
9. "It's practically impossible to get a modern building that's anything other than an abomination." -- DKM
10. "I like it as limpid as possible." -- DKM
11. "In their 'zeal' nobody ever reads the directions." -- DKM
12. "They [the Greeks] were abnormally intelligent...like freaks of nature they were." -- DKM
13. "Destruction is a fundamental need of the human soul...especially males." -- DKM
14. "It's a need of the human soul to blow everything to smithereens." -- DKM
15. "Participles are putting on your wings...they're the glory of the Greek language." -- DKM
16. "That's the exception that proves the rule." -- DKM
17. "I hate abstractions. Especially in history." -- DKM
18. "It's worth spending any amount of time to do because you're growing a new organ." [on learning fine points of Greek grammar] -- DKM
19. "There's nothing but the endless learning of the verb forms." -- DKM
20. "The love of the false thing, you know, it's sweet...like ice cream." -- DKM
21. "It's like a pseudo-aphorism...there are some aphorisms that are blatantly false." -- DKM
22. "What about someone who spends his life in evil pleasure? You wouldn't say that was brief." --DKM [in response to the Greek sentence: "brief is evil pleasure"]
23. "It's a 'you know' of 'ya know?'." -- DKM
24. "To wash off the disgust, let's read more of the Thucydides." -- DKM
25. "Everything pertaining to drinking, probably even the vine, came from Hellas." -- DKM
26. "You have to grasp, the Romans didn't know how to do anything without the Greeks!" -- DKM
27. "The accusative of respect is a last resort." -- DKM
28. "If you neglect that, it's your problem. It'll explode next term." -- DKM
29. "Playing hide and seek in the labyrinth of human emotions here." -- DKM
30. "That's where the archangel in charge of making Greek decided, 'we're not using the genitive enough.'" -- DKM [on the genitive absolute]
31. "I'd rather be in Hell with the Athenians than in Heaven with the Spartans. I would not want to live in Sparta for an hour." -- DKM
32. "This is that son of a bitch Lysander. Sorry to hurt your ears, but their no words strong enough for this S.O.B." -- DKM [on Lysander, a Spartan]
33. "If you ever want to get really demoralized, if you ever want to know what an insect you are, just read one of Bentley's commentaries. Then you want to lay down and die." -- DKM
34. "You don't wanna just beat your head against the wall." -- DKM
35. "Like a jigsaw puzzle: you have to make the pieces fit without getting out the scissors." -- DKM [on translating Greek sentences]
36. "I'm giving it to you both ways from Sunday." -- Dr. David Davies (DDD) [in reference to the difficulty of a Greek quiz]
37. "Just be thankful you're not learning Welsh." -- DDD
38. "Learning a new language is like one of the punishments of hell: carrying water in sieve." -- DDD
39. "If you are not thinking syntactically in Greek from now on, you will die." -- DDD
40. "We're not just reading this because it's a very complicated crossword puzzle." -- DDD
41. "This is the unitary number: 'HENOS,' 'one.'" -- DDD
42. "Thinking being important and something essential, we should nevertheless continue translating Greek." -- DDD
43. "Set aside your Christianity for the moment...I know that's not recommended, but for the sake of argument...." -- DDD
44. "Everything on earth is just trash and s-h-i-t except what comes from love...that's the only thing that makes my heart beat faster, not ability, not intelligence, not skillful organization of reality, but love." -- DKM

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This page Copyright © 2001 Draco, Draconis.

Last updated 11/30/03

Background by Morion.