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What Are Grivel G12 Crampons?

Grivel G12 Crampons

Unlike the Grivel Spider Crampons that are available at a reasonable price for consumers simply looking to walk around town with a little more safety and traction, the Grivel G12 Crampons are designed for and excel at climbing. Naturally since the intended purpose is different, the design of the Grivel G12 Crampons are much different as well. Instead of walking around town up and down icy driveways or paths, the Grivel G12 Crampons have effectively been used for rock climbing, and ice climbing, and alpine routes. Put simply, they are as versatile as they are durable. In addition to this they have some new technological features that put it over the top in terms of safety, and it is important to remember that no climb is complete unless it returns safely to the bottom of the mountain.

The Grivel G12 Crampons can accommodate any shoe or boot size between Men’s US size 5-12, though there is question as to how well they accommodate the size 12. Even among US shoe sizes, no two size 12 shoes will fit alike much less be cut the same. It’s recommended with the larger shoe sizes to bring the boots into the store and test the fit of the Grivel G12 Crampon before committing to buy. Likewise, see which of the three binding options works best with the boots. If they are a bad fit then consider using a different pair of boots or perhaps look into buying a different type of crampon, since the Grivel G12 Crampons are only offered as a one size fits all option.

The Grivel G12 Crampons weigh-in at a hefty 950 grams, or just over two pounds. Many climbers find the weight a little bit cumbersome. Other don’t mind the weight simply for the gains in versatility and durability. The Grivel G12 sports 12 spikes, four in the heel and eight around the ball of the foot and the toe. The toe spikes are also effective in helping to climb rock and ice, according to consumer reviews. The new feature that’s getting a lot of attention is something called antibott sheeting, a flexible latex sheeting that prevents snow from caking around the crampon and ultimately helping to keep the climber safer.

Though a pair of Grivel G12 Crampons will set a climber back by about $175, consumer reviews indicate that the Grivel G12 is the nearest thing there is to a universal crampon. Though there are crampons better designed for rock climbing or better suited for ice climbing, the G12 Grivel Crampon performs well on several types of terrain conditions (not recommended for vertical ice climbing), and proves very effective on climbs where varied conditions exist one right after the other. They might not have the specialty of their own Grivel Spider Crampons, but these general use tools are extremely popular with many climbers.

Click here for more tips about outdoor activities.


3 Excellent Explanations Why You Should Purchase A Completely New Camping Kettle

3 Excellent Explanations Why You Should Purchase A Completely New Camping Kettle

Have you ever thought that perhaps you need to get a camping kettle? That exact same notion has occured to loads of people. A lot of individuals have had the exact same notion. A few of them have genuinely acted on that thought, but most just glance at it quickly, then write off the idea. Occasionally it is because they don’t know the place to start.

Hold on a sec and why don’t we slow down a bit. Let’s consider this – here are three good reasons for you to consider.

To start with, for the “Pro” side, I’d mention that a camping kettle is a must to help to make life easy for campers, hunters, fishermen, trekkers, scouts, or just your family picnics. Very well, I recognize your doubt, on the “Con” side, and I recognize that you have a valid point as you say it is hard to find the kettle that is perfect for you. But I would like to additionally show you that there is a kettle for every need and I can show you lots of models and prices, until you discover the one right for you.

Second, you should also consider that boiling water can come in handy in so many scenarios when you are outdoors – it could even be life saving in some cases! In addition to that, you’ll not have to carry water around in a thermos anymore and you can still have a nice refreshing hot cuppa!. Plus, you can use it at home as well, especially on those hot summer days when thunder has knocked out your electricity.

Finally, you will most definitely get value for money if you do your groundwork correctly and get a kettle that is perfect for your requirements. Which will most likely mean that you need to spend some time searching around for one – however, I have done the hard work for you already. And, in addition to that, you can choose a fine model and colour that will really impress your fellow nature lovers!

Once you look at the reasons and evaluate them, I expect that you are going to have to admit that a persuasive argument can be made for thinking about how to purchase a new camping kettle.

Now what do you think? Isn’t that info persuasive? Perhaps you need to invest in a camping kettle.

Looking for camping equipment, check out Pike Trail.


Purchase The Best Camping Tent

Purchase The Best Camping Tent

It is essential to buy good quality accessories for your camping so that your camping is always a memorable one. Buying the best camping tent is chief among them. Prior to purchasing a camping tent it is better to glance at camping tent reviews so that you get a better idea and purchase the better one.

      • A best camping tent should have a longer durability and should meet your budget. Make it a point to choose the one that meets your requirements.

      • Pre-planning is essential while you procure a camping tent. First of all, sketch out the various features that you expect in a tent and then enquire about the camping tent supplier. Camping tent review can also help you to pick out the finest one.

      • The dimension and heaviness of the tent is not a problem if you are travelling in a vehicle to the campsite.

      • Choose the one that will accommodate all the members attending the camp. It is always recommended to select a tent which accommodates extra 2 persons than the given number who are actually attending the camp so that you can move about freely and place your luggage inside the tent.

If necessary you can have a multi-room tent which has two rooms or three rooms inside the tent with a durable zip door. These are appropriate when you go with kids because they provide privacy and the extra screen room can be utilized for changing your clothes or to store your luggage. The camping tent supplier can guide you with the various options available in the market.

The Camping tent review provides other features that are crucial to buy a camping tent.

      • It is wise to select a tent with sturdy poles like aluminum rather than brittle fiberglass poles. In case of any repair or rupture of the poles camping tent supplier will assist you to replace it.

      • Moreover, a tent with a bigger rainfly will shelter you from rain since it is waterproof.

      • Make sure the seams are sealed and double stitched to avoid water leakage.

      • The tent flooring should be finished with waterproof material.

      • Adding to it, the tent should have sufficient guy lines and bigger stake loops.

      • Plastic loops tend to break easily so material loops are preferable.

      • Best camping tent should be properly netted from insects and should have proper ventilation for air circulation.

      • To extend the tents’ subsistence, avoid dining inside the tent in order to prevent pests and insects entering the tent.

      • Utilize the ground cloth to safeguard the tent floor.

      • After returning from camp, dry it well and store slackly in an arid place.

To find the best equipment for camping, visit Pike Trail.


10 Fun Things for Kids To Do On A Camping Trip

10 Fun Things for Kids To Do On A Camping Trip

No doubt about it, camping trips are fun. A vacation in the wild outdoors, fresh air, roughing it can be such a fun break from the hectic routine of city life. However, a lot of people think they cannot enjoy or even survive a camping trip because of kids. Children can indeed add enjoyment to anybody’s life, but to be honest, it is really hard to bring kids along on a camping trip. Imagine having no television or computers to keep them busy (and quiet). For the average parent, that could spell disaster. But you should not despair, there are many activities in the outdoors that can keep kids entertained during a camping trip. Here are ten of them.

1. Get wet and go splashing. More likely, you would be able to find a nice swimming spot. Whether a big lake or a small brook, you are bound to locate a nice body of water to splash around and have wet fun. Swimming amidst nature can be so much more enjoyable than swimming in a man-made pool. Just be sure that the swimming hole you find is safe for people, normally camping parks would tell you which ones are good for dips and which ones are not. Also, be careful about diving and never leave your kids swimming alone.

2. Bike together. Most camping sites have great bike trails. Riding bicycles is very fun when the view is great. It is faster and cooler than just traveling on foot. Make sure to bring a map and plan your trip so that you would not easily get lost. Do not ride too fast, or you might leave each other behind, anyway, you would not be able to enjoy the scenery if you speed so much.

3. Watch for birds and animals. Most camping sites and forest parks have primers and leaflets about the various animals thriving in their area. You may also bring books about wild animals and see if you could spot them. Try having a contest – the one who spots most kinds of animals wins. See the different animals that come out during the night compare them to those that come out during the day. Just keep your children from a safe distance so that they would not disturb the animals.

4. Play games outdoors. It may be the classic sac race, tug-o-war, or just plain tag. Nothing beats the time-tested games when done in the woods. Just be sure to play games in a clear area to avoid accidents. Also, avoid creating so much noise so that you would not disturb the wildlife.

5. Organize a scavenger hunt. Kids love to go on quests and adventures. Scavenger hunts can be a great alternative to the role playing games kids play these days, not to mention that it is more physical, allowing your kids to exercise rather than just sit in front of the computer screen all day. Just warn your kids about the many prickly plants that could be lurking in the woods, such as poison ivy, oak and sumac.

6. Learn how to read maps and compasses. The great outdoors is a nice way to teach your children about navigation. Take out your map and compass while exploring the forest. Show your kids where you are on the map and show them where you are heading. This can also be done in conjunction with the scavenger hunt.

7. Light a campfire. Perhaps this is among the most awaited activities during camping. This can be the best way to end the day. Gather around the campfire to sing songs and tell stories (scary ones if you would like). Roast marshmallows and hotdogs. Play riddles and other word games.

8. Watch the stars. This is another night activity that can be both fun and educational. You may just simply lie on the ground and appreciate the free light show in the sky, or you may bring out a star chart and look for famous constellations and other heavenly bodies. Look for shooting stars and make your wish.

9. Bathe in the rain. The weather can be unpredictable in many places, you cannot expect to have clear and sunny skies all the time. But do not pout if the rain does pour. You can have fun playing in the rain and enjoy mother earth’s natural shower. Just be careful not to go out when there is thunder and lightning.

10. Just relax and simply enjoy the moment. You are in the outdoors for only a few times in a year (or even in a lifetime). Enjoy what nature has to offer. Avoid bringing any electronic gadget and simply bask in the quiet of the forest. This is the time to bond and enjoy each other’s company.

There are hundreds of other activities to do outdoors, these ten are just a fraction of the many activities you can do with your kids on a camping trip. The point of it all is to enjoy spending time together as a family.

You can check out Pike Trail for more camping tips to make it more fun.


Camping Hiking Gear: Roughing it or Relaxing, Camping Hiking Gear Makes All the Difference

Camping Hiking Gear: Roughing it or Relaxing, Camping Hiking Gear Makes All the Difference

One question you must ask yourself when choosing camping and hiking gear, is how willing you are to rough it, or if you prefer, a nice comfy camp with easy hiking trails. The answer to that question is honestly the camping hiking gear you should bring.

If you want a comfy camping trip, you will probably want your camping hiking gear to include a portable shower, camp stove, coolers, easily set up tents, and cushy sleeping bags (maybe even air mattresses underneath) and lounge chairs for sunning yourself. Now, if, on the other hand, you prefer to rough it, hike in somewhat rough terrain, and live off the land, you will want to stick to camping hiking gear essentials in lightweight form, so you can easily carry them on the hiking trail without compromising balance or weighing yourself down.

Consider the time of year, the climate, and the availability of water. You should also consider the natural terrain and its inhabitants.

If your camp is to be stationary, with day hikes in the surrounding area, you still need to consider the animals you will encounter. Certain foods are put away in secure containers. Nothing spells “Welcome” to the furry four legged residents better than foods left out in the open and trash bins containing food scraps.

If you are not camping in a designated campsite, be sure to obtain any permits you will need, and familiarize yourself with the rules. It is also very important to be certain those in charge know your itinerary, in case of an emergency. Be sure family and friends know where you are, when you plan to return, and if possible, keep in touch using a cellular phone.

Camping and hiking gear for this type adventure needs to be lightweight. Be certain you have a one or two person portable tent. You can find these in weights of less than five pounds.

Be sure to take plenty of socks, both moisture wicking inner socks, and breathable outer socks. Be certain you have worn your hiking shoes or boots on several trial runs, so you can be certain they do not pinch or blister. Be sure to share the load with your hiking partner, so each person carries their fair share, but there is no need to duplicate items such as cooking utensils, food, etc.

Another option for camping and hiking gear to lessen the weight you must carry is to opt for MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) small cans of Sterno to heat them. Should you decide to hunt, trap, or fish, you will need those articles as well. Also available are ultra lightweight camp stoves, and packaged foods that do not require refrigeration.

The most difficult task for a novice is deciding what you can and can not do without camping and hiking gear.

Each time you go on a camping and hiking trip, you could store your previous lists with your gear, so you can refer back to it for the next trip. That way, sooner or later you will have perfected the list, and will have all the camping and hiking gear you need ready to check off the list.

For more camping tips, visit Pike Trail.


Camping in a Thunderstorm

Camping in a Thunderstorm

Although you try to keep tabs of the weather forecast, you find that on this particular day, you’ve simply watched the weather by looking at the sky. And although the sky was relatively clear at dawn when you fished, you noticed that by lunchtime it had gotten cloudy and, in the afternoon, downright dark.

In this situation, a thunderstorm might be headed your way. But you’ve got an entire campsite built for relatively mild weather, and nowhere in particular to go for the evening. What exactly can you do? In this article, you’ll learn how to weather a thunderstorm effectively when you’re camping with your family.


First things first: the most crucial issue will be safety, and this means avoiding lightning as best as possible. Being outside during a thunderstorm can be downright dangerous, so you’ll want to pay attention to these tips.

First, seek shelter as quickly as possible. If this means abandoning your campsite, you should still do it. Put out your fire with a bucket of water (you should always keep one handy just in case) and find a place where you’ll be protected from lightning.

If this is impossible, you’ll want to follow a few rules of thumb. First of all, avoid being the tallest object in the area – get low to the ground by squatting, not lying down. Make sure that you don’t squat under the tallest tree, either.

Make sure you also avoid wires and fence lines, and other metal objects that can move electricity from one area to another.

In order to gauge where lightning is, keep track of the time between a flash and the sound of thunder – five seconds usually means roughly a mile. This information won’t be of much use, as you should try to seek shelter anyway.

Your Campsite

If your campsite is on a hill or comprises the tallest objects around, you shouldn’t try to stick around or seek shelter in your tents. All tents will do is shelter you from rain; it’s better to be stuck in the rain than to be exposed to a greater chance of getting hit by lightning.

If you can, get into a vehicle – the metallic frame disperses much of the electric current of a lightning blast. If there is no other shelter, getting into your car is one of your best options; it shelters you from rain and helps protect against lightning.

Most importantly, the best way to camp in a thunderstorm is to stay prepared. Bring a radio or GPS watch that will help you forecast the weather; if you know a thunderstorm might be coming hours in advance, you’ll be able to make necessary changes and adapt. If you get stuck in one, however, you might potentially be in harm’s way.

Click here for more tips in making your camping safe.


Fire Starters In A Hurry

Fire Starters In A Hurry

Fire Starters can help kick start a fire in even the most terrible conditions. For this reason, it helps to have some ideas on how to start a fire quickly just in case. Here, are some unconventional tent camping tips to help you get the fire going:

1.     Use lint roller paper. By placing this on the fire, it lights very quickly.

2.     Use cheese puffs. A friend of mine swears by these. He says they are very effective at burning because of their size and shape. They can be used as a substitute for tinder.

3.     Bring a fire log and chop it up into pieces. Then, use a piece for each fire to help get it started.

4.     Rubber cement: This burns easily. (Need to make sure this is safe for food). I think a glue stick burns easily as well.

5.     Go old school: Use dry grass or hay. These light very quickly and give you some extra time for the shavings to start burning.

6.     Cotton balls and Q-Tips. The cotton provides a good burning substance on its own. However, adding an oil, vaseline or petroleum jelly will make it really burn. You can even use your natural body oils that are on your forehead and at the ends of your nose.

7.     Split Wet wood. Wet wood has a better chance of being dry on the inside. Chop up wet wood and burn the inside to help have your fire start faster.

8.     Use newspapers or any paper. These man-made materials make for a greater fire starter.

9.     Aerosol cans. Whether it be a can of hairspray, of Off or even deodorant, aerosol cans are highly flammable. Use these to start a fire for warmth; however, because of the chemicals do not use these for cooking.

10.     Baby Wipes or Sanitizing Wipes. A number of these are highly flammable. Not only are they good for cleaning your hands and face, they are also good for starting a fire fast.

11.     Personal Items. A number of lotions, sun block, shaving gel, shampoos and even cologne are flammable. If you are in a pinch, it is worth a try to see if any of these can help.

No doubt you have a few other fire starters you would like to add to this list. This should at the very least get you thinking about trying out some new ones. You never know when these tent camping tips will come in handy.

Click here to get more tips for camping.