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Impelled by that pure spirit of patriotism that glowed in every fiber of his zealous nature, Captain Wimberly volunteered for the preservation of those principles that were ever dear to him, in the Confederate States Army in April, 1861. He raised a Company known as Polk Rifles, Company D, Phillips Legion, and was its first commander.

In the history of wars, there is no record of a campaign more calculated to test the fidelity of a soldier, the genuine chivalrous spirit of the patriot, than that of Northwestern Virginia, to which he soon repaired.

While there, during a momentary expectation of an attack, he was asked by his Colonel, "Can you hold your position?" To which he replied, "As long as a man of us survives, we will try it, Colonel." His response came with such effect that the air echoed along the entire line of his gallant comrades, evincing thus their approval, and the same heroic spirit.

His son, Augustus P. Wimberly, was Orderly Sergeant of this Company.

Captain Wimberly was called from this bleak mountainous region to serve on the coasts of South Carolina, where the climate was unhealthy, thence to Richmond, Virginia. He served gallantly in the Second Battle of Manassas. Here, a sudden and rapid giving way of his naturally feeble constitution compelled him to abandon the post st which he had so unflinchingly stood. Now, honorably released, he returned home.

After a lingering illness, he died at his home near Cedartown, Polk County, Georgia, on May 8, 1865, in the 53rd year of his life. Upon none was the encomium, "He is a brave man and faithful soldier," more readily and cheerfully pronounced by those, in whom was vested the authority to award the need of praise to the gallant in battle. He had been recommended for promotion as Colonel when he was forced to resign.

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Polk Rifles, Phillips Legion
Polk County Confederates
