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Brain Teasers

    There is a fork in the road, one road leads to hell, the other to heaven.  Standing next two each raod is a man.  They are both identical twins with no way to tell them apart.  One always lies and the other always tells the truth.  You are given one question to ask to wichever one you wish.  You don't know wich one lies or tell the truth, and you must find the right road to take.  What do you ask?
                Which way would your brother tell me to go?  Then you go the opposite way of whatever he tells.

    There is a married couple with 7 brothers, each brother has a sister.  How many people are in the family?
10,  The Brothers all have the same sister.

    What gets wetter as it dries?
A Towel

    There is a house with an A-shaped roof.  It faces north at one end of the roof, and south at the other.  There is always strong wind comming from the east, but a strong updraft from the west.  So if a rooster layed an egg directly on the top, which way is the egg more likely to fall?
                                                    Roosters Don't Lay Eggs

    There was a severe car crash with a man and his son.  They were both rushed to opposite hospitals.  The man was OK so he went to the other hospital to see his son.  The doctor came out and said, "I can't opperate on this boy, he is my son."  How is this possible?
                                            The Doctor Is His Mother!

    What is it that the man who makes it does not need;  the man who buys it does not use it himself, and the person who uses it does so without knowing?
                                A coffin

    There is a game of baseball with a score of 6 to 8.  It is the top of the 8th enning yet no man have crossed home base.  How is this possible?
                                                                                                        It is a womans league.  

    Two grandmasters were playing chess.  They each one and lost the same amount of games and there were no draws.  How is this possible?
                        They were not playing each other.

Imaginary Brain Teasers
Can't realy happen, but are fun to solve if you use your imagination.
    You are in a cement block.  No windows or anything.  It is air tight.  All you have is a saw and a table.  How do you get out?

When You Figured That Out Go On To Question 2.

    You then end up on a deserted Island in the middle of the pacific.  Nothing on the Island.  It is way to far to swim.  How do you get off alive?

When You Figured That Out Go On To Question 3

    You land on a desert and there is nothing for thousands of miles.  How do you get out off the desert alive?

When You Figured That Out Go On To Question 4

    You find a cabin to stay at in the woods.  It is deserted and the only things in the cabin is a piano, a calender, and a bed.  There are no windows and only one door with one key.  One day a cereal killer comes and threatins to kill you and he grabs the key and locks you in.  He says he is going to stay outside for a month to make sure you are dead.  How do you survive and get out?