Gabriela's Web Site
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My name is Gabriela Ferron de Sá Fortes, nicknamed Gabi. I am a Brazilian twelve-year old girl who used to live in Lisbon, Portugal with my parents and my sister Patrícia.
I used to go to classes at Colégio São João de Brito, a Jesuit school, and I made many good friends there.
I lived in this nice country from December 1994 to January 1998, when my father was working for a construction company. Now I moved back to Brasil (we spell it with s). I liked to live in Portugal, but I missed my homeland so much... If you want to know what's new in Brazil click here.
My hometown, where I am living again, is Belo Horizonte, the capital city of Minas Gerais.
My Family
My Hobbies
My Pets
My Favorite Sites
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Walt Disney
Kids' Space
Uncle Bob's Kids' Page
Hello web friends !
If you ever
my page, send me news by E-mail.
Send E-mail to xubiola@hotmail.com or to gabriela@angelfire.com if you like.
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