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Ray Abela Malta / Home Page

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Hello my name is Ray, I'm from the small Island of Malta. I am a member of the Malta Police Force stationed at the Special Assignment Group.
In this Special Unit we perform High Risk Escorts, Anti Terrorist Squad/Special Ops.& S.W.A.T.
I am 40 yrs old, married and have a child namely Glen who now is 13 yrs old.
My Hobbies are Computers, Radio Communications,Fire Arms,Satellite Communications and Marine Aquariums.. In my home page one can find links of good information about Malta Island, Satellite Channel updates, links to Malta Police Force and other Police forces around the world.

In Memory of My Mum and Dad

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  • My family and friends
  • Specially my son Glen & Josephine
  • This page was last Modified on the 24th.May 2003..
    Page me by :- Icq.#12229386

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