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Gowrie Memorial School
Celebrating Education Week
The Final year
Celebrating a Century of Challenge and Change in Curriculum

Gowrie Memorial School is loacated in Port Morien, Nova Scotia. It runs from Grade Primary to Six. There are six teachers. They are Mrs.Robinson who teaches Grade Primary. Mrs.Kennedy who teaches Grades One/Two, Mrs.MacMullian who teaches Grades Two/Three, Mrs.Fewer who teaches Grade Four, Mrs.Beaver who teaches Grade Five, and Principal Mr.Reid who also teaches Grade Six. There are four teacher aieds. They are Leanne Armworthy, Ed MacLeod, Janice Wells, and Tammy MacMaster.

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Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Cape Breton-Victoria Regonial School
Nova Scotia
The Halifax Herald
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Gowrie Memorial School
