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Favorite Pictures

My Granny, Minnie Hobbs Hamlyn

Reg Hamlyn, Sharon, Joanne, in Queen Charlotte City,BC

Home Farm, Broxbournebury, Hertfordshire as it is today. This was the home of William and Jane Hamlyn (my ggggrandparents) in their latter years.

Sharon,Joanne Hamlyn

Thomas a Becket public house, run by George Duck Jr. in 1908

St. Augustine Church,Broxbourne, Herts. The wedding of Susannah Hamlyn and Alfred Hull was here in 1887. William and Jane Hamlyn are buried in this cemetery.

Selma and Reg Hamlyn 1941. Others are Winnie Bakk, Ed Bakk, Dorothy Kliski, Patsy Hobbs, Minnie and George Hamlyn.

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