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undefined This month's InStyle Magazine Press Release:

Renee Zellweger Stays Grounded


On staying grounded : "I don't ever want to lose that thing, that check, where you need to deserve your friends. Or if I'm being a jerk, to be told I am. I have friends and colleagues who are brutally honest with me. I'm lucky." On Tom Cruise: "This was someone I admired, and naturally had a crush on_I mean, [I'm a] red-blooded American girl. He looks you in the eye and really has a conversation with you. It matters to him how your day went. I'll never stop singing his praises. Ever." On her relationship and breakup with Jim Carrey: "It's a private thing and pretty close to me. You grow from it. It makes you who you are. With each experience, you look at the next with more wisdom_or that's what you hope. But we'll see." On her recent trip to Machu Picchu: "I climbed the climb and ate the worms. Awesome." (Page 398)