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Why I Hate Kathy Griffin

My reasons are deep and powerful. Despite the fact that I do not find her attractive and her voice brings tears to the eyes of a thousand souls in Hades, I have other reasons for my dislikes. When I first saw her, she was on Suddenly Susan, a horrible and despicable sitcom. Her mere presence on that show would be justified cause to pray for the day of her crushing defeat. The similarities between her character and the character Beth on Newsradio, a Funny show with likeable characters, upset me. The fact that Beth was pretty and likeable, and Kathy Griffin was grating and annoying were enough to make me dislike her.

Then came Seinfeld. She had a guest appearance on Seinfeld as a failing actress who ends up making it big on a one-woman show about how Jerry Seinfeld is the devil. You mess with the J-man and you mess with me. So she dropped another notch.

I could understand if her characters were meant to be annoying and unlikable, because she’s an actress and may be different from her characters. But every time I see her on talk shows and interviewed on TV, she maintains the same infuriating ability to make the living want to kill her.

And then she got a show on MTV, where she talked about reality shows- the bane of humanity. There is nothing worse than watching TV shows about other people actually living their own lives. And she became the farcical ringmaster of this hideous circus. If I discovered she wore a wig to cover her head full of snakes and contacts to cover her piercing red eyes, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest. I don’t wish her physical harm, but I relish the thought of the entire world booing in her direction. She will rue the day she stepped in front of a camera.

Update: Congratulations Kathy on winning Celebrity Mole: Hawaii. She was almost likeable at the end, when she was exhausted and didn't have the energy to continue being annoying. But somehow she found the strength to piss me off, even still.

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