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You must be kewl!

Welcome to Sydneyland

Hey! Welcome to Sydneyland! Hi to all of you who know me and welcome to all of you who don't! Feel free to explore everything on here-- hey, that's what it's here for! And also, Puuuleeeze sign my guestbook!!!!
Thanx! ~Sydney~

This is Swirls my Swirlby. Ain't he cute?!

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I believe that all girls are godesses.

This is the cancer dove. Feel free to take it and put it on your page.

Ode to Drew
Poll of the week
Movie Reviews
Adopted Critters

Awards I've won
Win my award
Banner Exchange
Pics of my friends
Look at my thoughts on Celebs!
You have to look at this! It is sooo funny!
Letters from my bud Erin!

Erin's Realm

Joyce's Kewl Universe
A Kewl Place For Teens to Hang Out At! So Many things to do here, you'll never get bored!

Feel free to save my banner by right-clicking and pressing "Save"!

This is Sparkles my Watermelon Faerie! Water melon is my favorite fruit.
> >
Please help support the 'Adopt A Guardian Angel' program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!

This is my new Site of the Month Contest. Each month I will pick a site that should win and feature it on the Site of the Month Page. To enter your site, fill out the form.

Erin's Psychadellic Realm is the winner for August


Enter the Site of the Month Contest

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

Please enter the URL of your site.
Enter something mysterious that you don't want anyone to see.
Please select your site type.   Personal Homepage   Business Website   Non-Profit Organization
Please check all that apply.   My site is so good that it is better than yours.   I know what month it is.   I am wearing pants.
Please select the best answer for your site.
Please describe why your site should win. Stunning, fast, FREE!    
FREE feedback form powered by

I'm gettin one of these sweet @$$ cars the day I turn 16...well maybe not the day...Hey, a girl can dream can't she?!

"Ice ice baby...."

Website Search Engine (enter key word):

This page isn't copywrited cause of $$$ problems but if you wanna take something, just ask me! I'll probably say yes. :)

Free Dolls from Stephanie*!

SwtAngel143's Dreamland

You are listening to Song2 by Blur.

This page was last updated August 20, 1999
