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Wings3D to Unreal

The process for getting your Wings3D models into UnrealEngine2 Editor is described below.
This will allow you to create a Map which will run in UnrealEngine2 Runtime.

This process requires that you have Blender and Goofos ASE Export Plugin for Blender.
It also assumes you are somewhat familiar with UnrealEngine2. If not, visit the Unreal Wiki.
See links at the bottom of this page...

Step 1. Create your model in Wings3D. Hard Edges are not allowed in this method. You must edit your model if you have been relying on hard edges to support the shape of the model. UV Mapping will need to be added to the model if not already present. You can use the Snap Image Tool (Tools > Snap Image) for simple models. Learning to use AutoUV is not neccessary, unless you need extra control over the texture.

Step 2. Export (File > Export) your UV Mapped, Soft Edge only, model as a .3ds file. Under the export options, Swap Y and Z Axes should be checked. Set the Export Scale to a value of 25. Set Sub-division Steps to a value of 1.

Step 3. Start Blender and delete the cube that is in the default scene. Import (File > Import > .3ds) the file that you exported from Wings3D. Next, export (File > Export > .ase) the model from Blender as a .ase file

Step 4. Start UnrealEngine2 Editor. Open The Static Mesh Browser and Import (Static Mesh Browser Window > File > Import > Select the .ase file) the file which was exported from Blender. In the "Import Static Mesh" window that pops up, enter a unique "Package" name (This Package can contain multiple meshes so the same name can be used for future meshes.). The "Group" name is optional (This name can be the same for future meshes as well.). The default mesh "Name" can be kept (If a mesh with this name already exists in your Package, you will want to change the name.).

Step 5. After the import process is complete the mesh should appear in the Static Mesh Browser. You may need to zoom in or out depending on the size of the mesh. If you want to change the texture of the mesh, this can be done in the Static Mesh Browser by changing the material to the texture that is currently active (Materials > [0] > Material > Use). Now you must save (Static Mesh Browser Window > File > Save) the Static Mesh Package (.usx) that you have just created. If you do not save the package the mesh will not be visible at Runtime, even though the mesh is visible in the Editor.

Step 6. Insert the Static Mesh into the Level Editor (Static Mesh Browser Window > Edit > Add to Level or Click the strange icon that looks like an arrow with two legs.) Assuming you have already built a room to hold your mesh, you will notice that the mesh is faceted and not smooth. Select the mesh to make it active. In the Command line at the bottom of the interface type "staticmesh smooth" and press Enter. The mesh will appear smooth after a few minutes of processing. Open the Static Mesh Browser and Save the Package again in order to save the smoothing.

Step 7. Assuming you have a room with Lights and a Player Start position, you can now Build the Map and then Play the Map and view the Scene with your favorite Wings3D model in place.

Notes. If the scale of the mesh is not at the size needed, this can be fixed by adjusting the Drawscale (Double Click the mesh > Display > Change value of Drawscale). This is a work in progress so expect some changes.

Blender 3D Software
Goofos ASE Exporter Plug-in for Blender
Unreal Wiki - Learn to use the UnrealEngine2
UnrealEngine2 Runtime
Download the UnrealEngine2

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