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The Hermetic ObservaTory (THOTh) is a service activity encompassed within the New Group of World Servers to promote Right Observation in the Light of the most modern expression of the Arcane Wisdom tradition. The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) is a subjective group of individuals pledged to serve the Good, the Beautiful and the True who, regardless of sex, race, religion or social class, are committed to aid in the foundation of a new civilization or New World during these turbulent times of transition.

Aquarian Pledge The Great Invocation
New Group of World Servers
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One of the "seeds" to be nurtured by the NGWS during this transition period is the Science and Art of Right Observation. In the Alice A. Bailey's books this seed group is named the Group of Trained Observers and its mission is stated thus: "Later, when the new civilization is nearing appearance, these groups will have in them two key persons or points of energy through which the forces of HERMES and the will of the CHRIST will be focused, and through which They will be enabled to work. When this takes place the task of dissipating world glamour will be much more rapid than it is today. In the meantime groups of disciples can 'NURTURE and CONCEAL,' thus protecting from trouble the germ or seed of the new Aquarian culture and civilization along this particular line of FREEDOM."
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p.39

This service activity is reverently dedicated to Hermes: the ever-OBSERVING Mind within the all-inclusive Love of God, the fundamental Masonic symbol of the Eye of God which dominates everything within the Temple...
Mercury, the first of the celestial Gods, the God Hermes... is Budh, Wisdom, Enlightenment or 'reawakening' [recognition] in the divine sense.
The Secret Doctrine, I-513
When the disciple becomes aware that he is himself Mercury, the Son of Mind, and therefore one with the universal Christ, the 'Sun and yet the Son of God'... he is an initiate.
Esoteric Astrology, 284

Solar Fire Observance

Please join us during these very special 5-day periods (60 hours before and after the exact time of the full moon) as we voice together The Great Invocation.

More information on meditation at the time of the full moon may be found in the booklet Meditation and the Rhythm of the Year by Michal Eastcott from Meditation Groups,. A meditation outline is also available. A modern hermetic exegesis of The Great Invocation has been recently published. A review of its astrological correlates is also available.

Meditation at the time of the new moon (lower interlude) may also be observed and is encouraged. Reflection on the Principles and Laws of the New Age applied to the pressing Problems of Humanity may be profitably used during these lower interludes to strengthen the hands of the New Group of World Servers everywhere.

KEYNOTE for the Year 2000: Impact of Shamballa

God is the ONE who can withdraw and, in withdrawing, dispel [illusion] , dissipate [glamour] and devitalise [maya] all that has been created. In these three activities of that Reality which is not identified with appearance, the will of God, the Destroyer aspect of Deity, is beneficiently present. The act of abstraction produces the dispelling of the illusory world of thought; the withdrawal of the divine attention dissipates the sentient universe and brings glamour to an end; the cessation of divine direction brings death to the physical world. All these activities are evidences of the will or of the first aspect --the will-to-good which can and will function in perfection only when goodwill is finally and fully developed on Earth, through the agency of humanity.
GLAMOUR: A World Problem, 244
San Juan :San Diego:Atlanta
Established in December 1994
Internet-WWW presence since September 1996 under the Aegis of Virgo,
The Hermetic Observatory is an independent service activity within the NGWS; no endorsement by other groups or service activities referred to in this site is claimed or implied.
Keywords: Alice A. Bailey, AAB, Djwhal Khul, Djwal Khul, DK, The Tibetan Master, Helena P. Blavatsky, HPB, Helena Roerich, Agni Yoga, Masters of Wisdom , Hierarchy, Shamballa, New Group World Servers, NGWS, The Great Invocation, Lucis Trust, Arcane School, Christ, Maitreya, Koot Hoomi, KH, Morya, MGNA, Occult Meditation, Esotericism, Corpus Hermeticum, Hermetica, Alchemy, Gaia, Caduceus, White Magic, World Mother, Sophia, Isis, Osiris, Horus, Esoteric Healing, Telepathy, Kundalini, Masonry, Mason, Co-Masonry.
