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The Official UFO Site

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The Earth's Largest Book Store

Offer You
Greetings and Salutations

Our Mission:

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Welcome to The Official UFO Site. We are a grassroots investigative organization based in the Greater Atlanta Area dedicated to serious study and analysis of UFO Phenomena. Since our own US Government has discontinued all official investigations of UFO reports from the public, "The Official UFO Site" has arisen to fill the void.

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We are currently conducting independent scientific studies and are searching for the truth behind the real life reports of UFO Sightings and Alien Abductions. We encourage you to report your sightings and/or encounters directly to us. YOU MAY REMAIN ANONYMOUS. When sending a report, please be sure to include specific details as to the time, date, and location of your encounter.




To join our organization and become an Official UFO Site Investigator, simply send us your name, home and e-mail address along with check or money order for $12.95 + $1.00 shipping and handling to: 

JW Enterprises
P.O. Box 920672
Norcross, Georgia  30010


Become an Official UFO Site Investigator and Receive Your Official UFO Site Investigator T-Shirt. Your 1 year membership also includes a monthly report of all Sightings reported to the official UFO Site.



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The Official UFO Site in association with invite you to visit our amazing on-line Book Store where you will find a selection of books and videos we have made available to you. Our Book Store offers some of the best evidence available today that UFOs do exist, and we believe our collection will help further your personal study of the subject.


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Each month this site will feature an "Exciting Sighting". These reports will be chosen from the many sightings we receive via this web page. If you are chosen to have your sighting featured on this page, you have our guarantee that your true identity will be withheld.


Enter for your chance to win an Official UFO Site Investigator T-Shirt and 1 year FREE membership! Drawings held monthly. E-mail us with  your name and e-mail address and subject "UFO Shirt Contest". ONE ENTRY PER E-MAIL ADDRESS!


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