Welcome to my home on the Internet!
Good evening, or afternoon, or morning, or whatever time of day it
is you happen to be popping in to visit at. My name, for those of you who
don't know already, is Mike Cuellar. (You pronounce that Kweller, Also,
I am not related to the baseball player- same name, different family, unfortunately).
Okies, so, now you know my name, and you know a bit about it. But, what
about the man behind the name? What sort of enigma wrapped in a mystery,
wrapped in a riddle is this guy? Well, let's take a look at my life, And
who I am, and what, exactly I do. Oh, hey, click the picture for a list of all the pictures on this site. |
My name is Mike Cuellar, but you all already knew that, and that Pic right up there is my picture. That's what I look like. Sort of. That's what I looked like about a year and a half ago. My new glasses are MUCH smaller, and much nicer. I still have the jacket, and it still fits, and I still ocasionally wear it when the weather gets REALLY cold (which does alot here). Now, where is here? Here is Woodstock, Georgia. No, not that Woodstock. That's in New York. This is in Georgia. Just about 30-45 minutes northeast of Atlanta. I use to work in a grocery store as an Assistant Head Cashier at 5.65 an hour. What that means is this: LOTS of responsibility, VERY LITTLE pay. However, (insert a Wolfish grin here), I got out of that place, and found myself a better job. Unfortunately, that better job turned to actually be a crappier job then the other one, so I wrote my managers a huge long note filled with poisonous words about my immediate boss, and then walked out. I now work at a restaurant, where I make a bit less money, but the atmosphere is much better. Well... moving right along. |
I was born in Florida, on June 15, 1980, and I lived there for the first seven years of my life. We moved from Florida to Texas just after I turned seven, and then we lived there until I was eleven. After Texas, we continued our trek across the country, and moved to Cali, where we lived until I was 18. California is the state where most of the events that I know and write about happened, and I'll be sure to explain it all in detail, at a later point. So, we lived in Cali for 7 years, and then we moved out here to Georgia, where we have been for the past year and a couple of weeks. My writing goes on, and I still continue to write about what I know, and I hope to continue to do that. |
Right at the moment, I am attending school at Kennesaw St University, where I write for school paper, The Sentinel, as the Move Reviewer. I graduated from American Heritage Christian School, in Hayward Ca, in 1998, finally bringing to a close the worst year of my life. Maybe someday I can bring myself to retype up why that was the worst year of my life, but the last time I did that, it took me a week, and 10 typewritten pages, which I still have somewhere in my closet, along with all the notes, and letters and cards that went back and forth. Anyway, when I got to Kennesaw, I decided to major in Drama, because I LOVE Acting. I have loved it ever since fifth grade when I was in the play The Inn Kaper. Since then, I have been in every play i could get into. I like to read. Reading is my favorite pasttime. Gve me a good book, and I can sit down and read for hours. So, what have I read? What do I consider good books? Go ahead and take a look at What I've read!
I also write, and I write alot. Acting and writing
are my two favorite things. I currently have written numerous short stories, the completed
ones I have posted on this site. There are also four or five incomplete stories that I am working on. One of them is a sort of Langoliers type story, but different. Another is yet another supernatural romance, but this one with a not as good ending. There's one about alien abduction, and one about a young lady's quest to find her mother. In a way. I hope to have these done
soon. I also have in the works, a collection of maybe 15-20 stories, and
all of them connected to the others by events. I think it will be an interesting
mix and match. Three of these stories are completed, and can be read on the inside site.
PLease bear in mind that I tend to be seriously on edge most of the time, due to my job, and school stress, so if you steal any of my work, and I find out about it, you'd better skip the country, otherwise, I will hunt down and hurt you. Fair Warning. I also write song
parodies, I have up here the completed works,
though if you pop in, and only one or two of the links are working, it means
I haven't gotten off my lazy duff yet and fixed it. But I will soon, I promise! So, one other thing I do, is Movies. I see a LOT
of movies. Which is probably the reason I decided to become a movie reviewer
for the internet community I visit, Dragonmount, as well as for my college paper. So, here on this page, I have most of the movies I have reviewed, since i started reviewing movies. Well, mybe not even most. I have updated it in a long time, due to school and work, and all that. |
Which brings me to Dragonmount. Dragonmount is an Internet community based on the Wheel of Time book series by a very patient, very intelligent, and probably very confused guy named Robert Jordan. At this site, there is a lot of role play, Fanfic, (which goes by the name of Silly Stories, ) and in general alot of goofing off. I had left Dragonmount due to a nasty disagreement between myself and the management, of which I had been a part; but that situation has been resolved, and I have rejoined Dragonmount. SO, If one day you happen to pop on there and you see a post by a guy calling himself Roland Broadcloak, or Lone Wolf, that's me. |
You ever played Myth: The Fallen Lords, or Myth II: Soulblighter? And just why the heck not? You need to get yourself over to the Bungie website and order these two extremely awesome games! I promise you you will not be disappointed. And with, you can kill your enemies, kill your friend's enemies, or kill your friends! |
Did that sound like an advertisement? Like I was paid to put that there? I hope not, cause it wasn't intended to. That's just my personal opinion. Myth and Myth II are awesome games. At least try them out. I did. |
Do you Like Mystery Science
Theater 3000? Sure, we all do. Wait, you say, What IS Mystery Science
Theater 3000? Only one of the best shows in the WORLD!!! Until it was cancelled
by those STUPID Sci-Fi Channel Execs. *Ahem* I digress. MST3K is about three
guys, my personal favorite featured -----------> There. His name is Tom Servo. The other robot on the show is named Crow, so named because he has a bowling pin beak and looks like a crow, and Manning the show is Mike Nelson, who is the Lone human on board. These three are forced to watch really cheesy movies, and instead of being driven crazy, they heckle the movies to death. I mean, NO MERCY heckling. I got some Sound Wav's of it. Check em out. |
Well, I think that's about it. THis is my new updated web page, so i guess it deserves a new updated friends site. SO, without much ado, I present to you my friends site, and I hope you like it. Yes Jared, you are here now. |
Are you worried about Y2K? Here's the answer to all your problems!