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I worked non-stop on this website for so long, and now I decided I'm NOT gonna do any more updates. I realized I can't really offer what all the other XWP sites do and I don't really like what the Xena show has become anyways.
Thanks for understanding.

WHAT'S NEW - April 24th, 2000
This was the last update on this website
STOP SENDING ME YOUR INFO for the Meeting Place!!!

Xena Info
Articles - about XWP or its actors, from the internet and magazines
Bookstore - books information and cover pictures
Episode List - listing of all the episodes titles with airing dates
Show Ratings - top 25 syndicated shows from Nielsen Media Research

People from the Show
The Actors - actors biographies and filmographies
Guest Appearances - guest actors who appeared on XWP (not up yet)
Cast & Crew - the people behind the show (not up yet)

Meet a Xenite!
The Palace Visit - pictures from the Xena: Warrior Palace chat rooms
Xenites Meeting Place - find a Xena fan buddy

Song Lyrics - from the episode The Bitter Suite
Sound Clips - full lenght MP3s from the soundtracks
Soundtracks - track listing of every Xena soundtrack available now

Xena Stuff
Magazines - list of magazine issues dedicating some pages to XWP
Pictures - scanned images from magazines
Episode Guide - episode descriptions for season 5 (not up yet)

Fans Talk
Episode Reviews - learn what other Xenites think about some episodes
Mailing Lists - subscribing information for a few mailing lists

About Me - learn more about the Xena obsessed creator of these pages
My Awards - the awards I've won for this website
Win an Award - apply your XWP related website for an award

Xena Websites
Links Directory

(in alphabetical order)
A - 44 websites
B - 22 websites
C - 46 websites
D - 12 websites
E - 7 websites
F - 9 websites
G - 15 websites
H - 20 websites
I - 5 websites
J - 16 websites
K - 21 websites
L - 44 websites
M - 40 websites
N - 7 websites
O - 4 websites
P - 11 websites
Q - 1 website
R - 16 websites
S - 36 websites
T - 29 websites
U - 7 websites
V - 6 websites
W - 14 websites
X - 84 websites
Y - 0 website
Z - 0 website

Search the Xenaverse!
Search engine for all the websites listed on the links directory at Ride through the Xenaverse, maintened by Frank B. (huge thanks to him!!)
You can also go read his comments (reviews) on the show

Wanna ride the Xenaverse?

include any keyword
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Comments and Suggestions
Sign the scrolls
Read the scrolls
Guestbook by GuestWorld

A million thanks to all of those who already signed them!! Love you guys!!

Go there if you're interested in keeping Ares & the official Kevin Smith fan club alive.
Thanks to Kim for this graphic! Feel free to put it on your Xena page as well.

No More Sidekick Abuse!
Click here to join!

Created by Marie-France Thuot

FastCounter by LinkExchange

A special thanks to:
Everyone who signed the scrolls, I appreciate it a lot and it encourages me to do much more!!!
All my friends on the internet (Lei-Ann, Amber, Angie, Julia, Katharina, Charlotte...)
Tom at Tom's Xena Page for the pictures used on the reviews section