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History (cont.)

In 1984 a ramp was built on the south side of the sanctuary. A new yellow brick outdoor bulletin
board was built and a complete music sound system was purchased.

Former living pastors were honored with a special day in August 1985. In September of the
same year the 75th anniversary of the church was celebrated. A stained glass window
in the baptistry was installed in memory of Roscoe Rowe, by his wife Annette Rowe.

In 1990 new pews and carpeting were installed in the sanctuary.

The last Sunday in October was set aside for annual homecoming beginning in 1990.

For a long time, discussion was held concerning a building to house a larger fellowship room
and more classrooms. In January a building committee was appointed to look into this.

When a lot across the street was donated and became available, an architect was hired and
he presented a plan which was accepted by the church in conference February 23, 1994.

After groundbreaking on April 3,1994, the contractor began work.

In May 1994, 12 couples and two grandchildren arrived to assist with the work.
They are CAMPERS ON MISSION of Alabama.Other members joined them. Some even
spent their vacation working here. The building was completely dried in on July 1st
when all the campers left except three couples. They left on July 6. The remaining work was
contracted. Local church members gave assistance throughout the building process.

The building was dedicated on a special Homecoming Day, October 30, 1994.

For this effort by the church, Hugh Lowery served as chairman or the building committee
and Dan Rowe served as chairman of the building finance committee.

The church voted in conference on May 4,1994 to name the new building the

Complied by Fannie Jo Holt

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