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Jellice Songs for Jellice Cats

1. You can see the shadow of the trapeze while Etcetera sings "are you keen to be seen,..."

2. Tumble is looking at Cassandra's legs when she sings "Were you there when the pharoes..."

3."Can you sing at the same time in more than one key..." At the top of the kitty pyramid, Mungojerrie is making faces and laughing.

4. During the part when the huge boot falls down from the sky, when the first group runs to center stage to start dancing, the boot is there, then when the second group comes up, it's not! It must be a magical boot.

5. If you look closely on "Jellicle chants" you can see a cat with yellow and black strips and white leg warmers takes the boot off, mabye Jennyanydots or Rumpelteazer? Just watch the boot when they go into the wide shot and when they sing "Jellicle chants" a cat comes over and takes the boot of to the right.

6. When Asparagus and Munkustrap sing about the man who's not heard of a jellicle cat, they appear in front of everyone. Look at Munkustrap doing those sweeping thing. All of a sudden, the camera cuts and he is running up to Asparagus.

The Naming Of Cats

1. Etcetera is cut off from the group because they didn't format it right.

2. When they sing "The reason I tell you is always the same..." you can see Rum Tug Tugger moving to rest his arms on Asparagus's back.

The Invitation to Jellicle Ball

1. Look at Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer when Mistofeles first starts to dance with Victoria. They hug it's so cute.

The Old Gumbie Cat 1. When Jenny rolls out of the trunk of the car, you can see the legs of her costume that she wears in the tap dance.

2. You can see Rumpelteazer and Tantomile goofing off backstage while the kittens are getting their masks.(You can only see their legs)

3. Jemima puts her mask on wrong and has to take it off again. 4. When Jenny goes through Munkustrap’s legs, he sort of has to steady himself again.

5. When the girls sing "She thinks that the cockroaches..." Munk runs to the girls and has to catch his balance by putting out his right leg to steady himself.

6. "...just need employment..." When Jennyanydots sings this, you see that her velcro neck piece has come loose, but in the next shot, it's back in place.

7. When Munk opens Jenny's coat, they are the side of the stage. Then Jenny magically appears in the middle of the stage, between the group of beetles.

8. You can see the beetles get out of the trunk of the car when they take the paws off Jenny's taps.

9. First the beetles are dancing in four lines, then they are in a kicking line. How'd they do that!?!?

10. Watch Pouncival before he chases her with the fork. He is in the oven getting his costume on.

11. Right afterthe kicking line, Munk, Deme, Bomb, and Jelly all apear next to Jenny to do their tap routine, out of nowhere!!!

12. In the coachroach kick line Mungo is on the far upstage end and is late to join the kick line and sticks out on the end.

13. Look really really closely at the end of jenny's number and you can see RTT getting ready to come on at the top left corner. You can see the outline of his big mane, and the shadow on the paper he pulls down later on. It's difficult to see.

Rum Tum Tugger

1. When Jenny and Munk are together, and they look befuddled, sweat flys off Munk's face.

2. During the same scene, Pouncival is fixing his shoe in between Munk and Jenny. It's kinda hard to make out though, it's before he dose the flip off te tire.

3.Then if you look at Munkustrap helping Jennyanydots up, she makes an annoyed face and makes this motion with her left hand like, "What do those kittens see in him?!"

4. Demeter jumps into the washer after RTT goes around her in that closeup. It is in the overhead shot.

5.While RTT is "showing off his hips" you can see Misto yawning.

6. When RTT and Bomb are singing in that one part , Pouncival, Tumble, Plato, Asparurgus are doing their dance in the background, Tumble and Asparagus turn to Pouncival, and he forgets to turn to Plato, screwing up their dance number.

7. There was a big debate in the RUG about what RTT was mouthing at the end of his song when Griz walked in. They decided either it was f**ck you, thank you (saracastically),or he was just biting lip and closing it real fast. The world may never know!

Bustopher Jones

1. When Busto sings "I'm found at foxes..." you can see the sweat drip of Misto's face.

2. Look at Jemima when Jenny sings, "and he's putting on weight everyday."

3. On "Still in me Prime" you can see Misto following Busto trying to copy his gait.

Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer

1.They probably planned this, but when they throw their bags, they are in beat with the music.

2. When they start singing "And say in a voice..." Mungo's mouth and the word Tommorow are out of sync.

Old Deuteronomy

1. Mungo and Rumpel continually change places on the trunk of the car while Munk is singing.

2. Misto enters right behind Old D. Did he go and find him, or was he following him?

The Awful Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles

1. Munk has a knee pad on his left knee, that's why that warmer is pulled up more. Look at his left knee during the whole scene.

2. When Munk first says, " The Great Rumpuscat," he goes from almost standing strait to lower to the ground.

3. When Munk is singing to Old D. and Vic is next to him. Look closely at Vic, It isn’t her! It is the woman who plays Etcetera!

4. When the whole cast barks for the first time, look at Aspargus. There is a left foot in the lower right of the screen, whose foot is that?!?!?!

5. Munk pulls up his arm warmer before he sings, "they did not advance,..." while Mungo and Rumpel do their little dance.

6. While there is an aisle for the Pugs and the Poms to prance, someone's box flies into the aisle!

7.. Then Etcetera trips on the box and into Jemima, causing her to stumble.

8. When the cats march, someone is going the wrong way. While they are stopped by Munk, Alonzo bonks him in the head to get him in line.

9. While Munk is singing to Old D. Before Rumpus Cat enters, in the closeups he is singing to Old D. and in the Overhead shots he is singing to the whole group. Hmmmm,... split personality?

10. Pouncival is "shooting" the other cats with an imaginary finger gun when Munk sings "when suddenly out,..."

The Jellicle Ball

1. During the Alonzo-Tumble "dance-off" Pouncival continually dissapears and re-appears.

2. During the Old D. tune, either Misto, or Tumble is off doing those spinning kicks.

3. Vic has a spot on her butt.

4. Plato's fingers are taped, this is most noticeable when he dances with Vic and runs his hands on her body.

5. During the part that looks like twister gone bad, everyone's arm and leg warmers are bunched at their wrists and ankles.

6. After the guys do their thing and the playful music comes on, and the kittens chase the toms off the stage, at first there are just kittens then, the whole group.

7. During the part where Bomb leads, and RTT picks her up, she grabs his hand like she is going to fall.

8. in the same scene, RTT staggers under Bomb's weight.

9. RTT also has a different collar on so not to stab Bomb.

The Moments of Happiness/Memory

1. Cassandra messes up the words "let your memory lead you..." The words don't match up with her mouth.

Gus: The Theatre Cat

1. First Pouncival is on the left side of the screen, then he is on the car. How did he do that?

2. It looks like Amedtus is chewing on something.

3. Before Gus sings for the first time, Skimble sneaks in at the top right hand corner, where he is found "napping" later on. Gus must have put him to sleep, maybe if they had put Growltiger in there he might still be awake.

Skimbleshanks:the Railway Cat

1. Watch Old Deuteronomy this number. He's sitting on the tire tapping his toes, and really getting into it! He's so cute! :o)

2. When Skimble says " And the passangers all frantic..." look at Munk in the upper left hand corner, he is smoothing out Old. D's arm fur.

3. "When he gave one flash..." Skimble steps on Asparagus' foot.

4. "He would watch you with out winking,..." Cassandra and Electra switch places.

5. When the kittens are on the floor, Cassandra moves her tail out of the way. Unfortunatly it looks like she is picking a wedgie.

6. When Rumpel sneezes, look at Vic's face.

7. At the end of the song on the pyramid, first Skimble is on Alonzo, then he on the floor, then he is on Alonzo again.

Macavity the Mystery Cat

1. Deme's leg warmer is around her leg after she sings "You may seek him in the basement..."

2. Bomb's right arm band goes from her wrist to her elbow, when she and Deme sing together.

3. After the last "Macavity" Demeter makes a face like, "Ooops! I wasn't supposed to do that!"

Mr. Mistoffelees

1. Deme, Bomb, and Munk sing the background "do-wops" and "ah-has" they are wrong they cut them too short.

2. First Bomb and Deme are on the floor, then on the tire, and then on the floor again.

3. When Misto dose his dance,everyone's "whoos", I am told that they weren't supposed to be there. The cast AND crew just got so into Jacob Brent's dancing that they all did it unexpenctedly. You can hear it sounds different than any other sound.

4.Etcetera constantly disapears and re-appears next to RTT.

Addressing of Cats

When Old D. Says "Oh Cat" There is a piece of floating string behind him on the right side.V MISC.

1. Exotica's costume changes from light to dark during the movie.

2. Exotica (Femi Taylor) also played Oola, one of Jabba the Hut's dancers in Return of the Jedi. She was the one thrown to into the Rancor Pit.

3. In the stage productions of CATS, Jemima is called Sillabub.

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