Laura's Orginal Artwork

I love CATS, but I draw lots of other stuff. Here are some examples.

DO NOT take ANY of these images. They are all ORIGINAL artwork by me and are NOT to be used by ANYONE! Thanks!

I'm now selling my artwork! Click here to view them or, maybe buy one! ^_^*

She's the poet in our hearts. Never Change, never stop. The one and only Stevie Nicks! Done in #2 pencil on yellow paper.

This picture is done with an HB pencil. It is of Stevie Nicks, one of the lead singers in the band Fleetwood Mac. I love Stevie's singing, her style, and her lyrics. That is why I chose to draw her. Wanna know more about her? Click Here!

This was just a drawing that came to me out of boredom. It was pretty much just to fill up time, though it did turn out pretty cute, huh?

This one came from my imagination. It's done with crayons. Just like the ones you drew with when you were two.

Done in acrylic paint and liquid float, this is a pic of some roses I did about three years ago.

Here is my newest creation, yet another picture of Stevie Nicks. This one is in colored pencil and took me about 4 hours to draw.*~Click Here~* To visit my Stevie Nicks Page!!

This is done with colored pencil. The picture came out of National Geographic. I loved the necklaces so I drew it.

This is also done in colored pencil. And it, too, came from my head. On this one I decided to do a little abstract background, just to spice it up a little.

Here is another pic of Stevie when she was a teenager. It is an okay drawing, but her chin looks kinda wierd.

This one is done with a #2 pencil. It also came from my head.

I love anime. So this is an anime elf done in acrylic paint. I made this one up also, and added a leaf frame to create the 'woody' nature.

This is an asian inspired watercolor painting a did a few years ago.

Finally, we have another pic done in colored pencil. This fairy, drawn from my imagination, was so I could practice drawing wings.

I hoped you liked these!