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Learn How To Draw

Hello All! If you are here then you'd like me to help you increase your drawing abilities. The first lesson is drawing in pencil.

What You'll Need:

1)A semi soft pencil(2 is the hardest you should have)

2)A blending stump or a finger you don't mind getting dirty.

A piece of paper(duh!)

A picture or a good imagination. In this case, I am using a picture.

Basic Drawing Know-How

a)Eyes are located in the middle of the head not at the top they should like like this. Notice the shape, and how there is a shadow under the lid and a shine on the iris.

b)The nose is probally the hardest, and takes the most practice. It is also hard to explain how to do. Just look at this pic to get an idea.

c)faces arn't perfectly round or oval.

d)Mouths are exactly in-between nose and chin. The upper lip is usually darker than the bottom lip and the middle of the bottom lip is the lightest part. Look at this drawing as an example:

e)Finally, you have the ears. I realize this is about drawing cats and when their wigs are on, you can't see their ears, but I thought I'd include them anyway. Ears are simple. They should only take a few seconds to finish.

This is the pic we're drawing

1)First, softly, you make a basic outine of the picture. In this case, the face, wig, neck, shoulders, collar, eyes, nose, and mouth. It should look something like the above.

2)Start sketching in details. The eyes, the wig, the spikes on the collar, where the make-up goes, etc. This may seem like a big step but it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. And it should look similar to the above.

Determine your light source if you are drawing from your head. In this picture you'll see it is coming from the left. Now you can start adding the values. Lighter close to light source and darker further away. It should like the above.

4)Blend together, add fine details and sign your name. YOU'RE DONE! Mine endded up like that. It's okay.

Now I hope you enjoyed this page and learned something. Please send my your pics you've drawn from this page. I'd really love to see them. And if you'd like some creative critisism, I'll give it to you.

Lesson Number Two=The Body

Here is a quick picture of a body. The left side is good and the right side is bad. Shoulders should arch down from the neck and bump where the arms start. They aren't straight across. Breasts are not balloons. Please don't draw them like they are! The waist should have a slight curve, but too much curve looks like Barbie. It's a bad thing. The elbows are even with the hip bone. The hands are in between the thighs and knees. And the feet go straight ahead or slightly outward. Feet that stick out straight to the side like the right side look like they have a broken ankle. Here are some examples of feet:

These are some examples of arms.

The left one is good and the others are bad. Too much arch inward looks anorexic and too much arch outward looks like Mr. T. And if you make them straight it will look like that person has a board stuck to them.

And here are legs.

Again, the left leg is good and the others are bad. Knees curve in not pop out. Calves should not be bigger than the thighs. And with no curves it looks like a stick and wouldn't be able to bend.

Lesson Number Three=Hands

Hand are pretty easy, but do take practice. Start with a skeleton sketch of the hand. Like the drawing on top.

Then just connect the lines, and add some details like fingernails. You can use this technique for drawing hands in any position. Eventually, you'll know them well enough you won't need to sketch them out first!!