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Make Your Own Cat

Here you will be able to create your own cat. I have added pics that you can print and color or save onto your hard drive and color it in your art program.(they are at the bottom) Here is a list of names that I think would be cute cats!!

(Please don't take this background. Thank you!!)

These are musical terms:

Adagio = A slow, easy speed of music

Allegro = fastest speed of music

Andante = Moderate speed of music

Allegretto =a speed of music, faster than andante, slower than allegro

I got these names from my Literary Terms sheet in Honors English. Here they are:

Allegory-settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities.

Archaic-relating to another, earlier time.

(these two would be perfect for twins)

Connotation- the suggestion a word brings to mind.

Denotation-The literal or dictionary meaning of a word.

Genre-A type of literary composition

Hyperbole-An overstatement, exaggeration

Parody-Exaggerated imitation of a literary work or style with the intention of achieving humor.

Exposition-Introduces the story's characters and setting.

Omniscient-All knowing

Satire-A literary work which mocks or ridiclues the stupidity os individuals or society in general.

Soliloquy-A dramatic cinvention in which a character make and extended speech alone on stage.

Oxymoron-Contadiction in terms that is nonetheless true.

Juxtaposition-Contasting images placed side by side for a meaningfull purpose.

And these were donated by another cats fan. Thanks!! Omniscient and Omnipotent might make an interesting brother and sister. All-knowing, and All-powerful.

And here are the pictures!!

Face One

Body One

Face Two

Body Two

Well, I hope these names gave you some ideas. If you would like to learn how to pronounce them, e-mail me. Feel free to take these pictures and color them and post them on your page. If you want to, I would LOVE to see them. Good Luck!!

And here are several people who have used this page to make thier own cat!

These were done by Titanica! Cool cat! Very original!

And this cat is named Payden. Cute huh?


Mistoteazer. neato!

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