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Saving Southern Cemeteries

Goals of Saving Southern Cemeteries

My Favorite Web Sites

The Tombstone Transciption Project
Association for Gravestone Studies
Cemeteries, Graveyards, Burying Grounds
Connecticut Gravestone Network
Indiana Pioneer Cemetery Restoration Project
Tombstone Travelers Guide
DeKalb Historical Society (GA)
Tomb With A View
Washington State Cemetery Assoc.

This group was founded with the express purpose of saving cemeteries in the southern states, in particular Georgia. We wish to educated people about cemeteries - how they are in danger from development, vandalism and neglect. We want to encourage people to locate forgotten cemeteries, care for them, transcribe them if possible, protect them from disappearing. As I become more comfortable with web pages, I hope to add lessons on transcription, cleaning headstones, repairing monuments, doing rubbings, dealing with threats to cemeteries, and more. If you have any questions about anything having to do with southern cemeteries, email me at
