Alex's Rammstein Page
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Alex's Rammstein Page

[ Last updated 22 Jan. 2000 ]

Hey, and welcome to my Rammstein fansite. It's not much, but I've put a lot of work into it, so I hope you like it. As you can see, I'm still working to get all the stuff here. Any comments or suggestions, please send me mail. All the stuff should be up by the end of January, unless Angelfire doesnt give me my 5 more megs of webspace in which case I'm screwed. But oh well, nothin' I can do about it.
Also, happy birthday to Till Lindemann, the singer, who turned 37 on January 4th. Hope you had a good one, dude!
And like I said, I need 5 more megs from Angelfire before I can really do anything else to the site. I really don't know how long it will take for them to give it to me, but just hang in there, and enjoy what's here now. If you really need something bad, like a movie or audio clip or whatever, just email me and I can direct you to it.
Ok, last but surely not least, I want to point you in the direction of a badass Rammstein picture site, Claud's Rammstein Gallery. It has over 500 pics and it's really just cool. And that about does it for this update.. so enjoy the site, and hopefully all will be done and up by the next time you drop by.

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