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Here are a few cats who own some of my best friends. Again, I'm sure the people at the photo place are saying, "Doesn't this lady know any humans?" Well, yes she does...and still likes cats better, for the most part. This page may take a wee bit of time to load, but I hope you think it's worth the wait.

This is CC the Fool...thinking about getting into trouble

...the problem is he usually finds it...his person, Thelma, calls this "Trouble Patrol"

Now CC's brother, much more laid back much so that sometimes we have to check his pulse....

And then there's Nell... much the art connoisseur...she prefers Dali...

...and like her person, Melanie, she is always pretty much a lady....

Here is the cat that owned my friends Savoy and Gnome.... he has gone to the Summerlands now, but I look forward to meeting him there one day....

...and this is Donut, who presently keeps Savoy and Gnome from getting to complacent about life...cute, isn't she? She looks just like my Branwyn.

This is Rastus who has gone to the Summerlands too, his person is Bill, who misses him dreadfully....

This is Floyd who currently owns Bill... poor thing, some cats must have the patience of Job

And this is Sadie, who technically isn't a cat but since she lives with them she has a place here... she lets Bill live with her too

Here's the newest member of Sav and Gnome's household... her name is... well, there's several but I'll just call her Soda

More to come...stay tuned....
