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Witchcraft is supposed to be the oldest religion 
in the world; the cradle of all sects and cults 
and theologies of mankind.  It has survived millennia 
of persecution, misunderstanding and misrepresentation.  
Probably more nonsense has been written about witchcraft 
through the centuries down to the present time than about 
any other subject.

So what is witchcraft?

The real meaning of the word is 'Craft of the Wise'.  The Anglo-Saxon
word 'wicca', or wise one, changed during the centuries - which is the
natural fate of words - and become 'witch'.  And with the change of the
word the popular concept of witchcraft changed also, so that the witch, 
once a respected and esteemed member of the community, became a near-
outcast, from whom respectable men and women shuddered away.

In 1735, under George II, the Witchcraft Act was passed. It's essence was that witchcraft did not exist and that anyone who pretended to possess supernatural powers should be prosecuted. This law stayed on the books until 1951. Between those times 'witchery' and 'wickedness became more or less synonymous and to be a witch was a capital crime. Contact between covens was risky and as there were no hiding places for written records that would be safe from discovery. Therefore witchcraft has no archives, no way of tracing the roots of our beliefs and practices from the beginning. The consequences of discovery was death for anyone having the merest hint of belief in the Old Gods, by burning at the stake, or by hanging; more often than not preceded by what was euphemistically known as 'questioning', in other words torture. It is safe to say that at witch trials in general 99% of the 'questioning' was carried out, not to discover the truth of the case against the accused, but to make sure of a verdict of 'guilty as charged'
On the mere whisper of suspicion of connexion with the Craft houses were searched and arrests made. Nothing which could possibly be construed as belonging to a witch could be stored on the premises of anyone who wanted to escape persecution. The Athame, ceremonial candles, Books of Shadows...all were disguised or destroyed in order to keep safe those who used them in the practice of their worship. Even the practice of nudity in ritual may have been an expedient way of solving the question of how to conceal robes used in Circle.
Those of us who are hereditary and have grown up with the Craft as a part of our lives from childhood rejoice at the change in the public attitude toward the Craft. Cautiously, we are coming out of the broom closet and starting to join together in order to share the knowledge that was fragmented from the choices that were made by those before us who dwelt under the threat of death for practicing and worshiping in the Old Ways. Our history to this date has been mostly oral, handed down from elder to younger but the destruction of whole families, men, women and children, during the Burning Times have left gaps and holes in even that.

So this is my attempt to share my Path. Things that I have here follow the beliefs that I was taught at the knee of my Elders from childhood and represent the background one Southern witchwoman. I do not presume to say that this is the Path of all of us who practice the Craft nor do I say that all who call themselves 'witch' believe in the things I set down here. We each follow our own hearts, so please do not expect your answers to appear from whatever wisdom you may think I have. I am still learning myself, and the Mother teaches me new things every day (some I would rather not learn, but She Who Is Wise determines my needs better than I do).
So in closing let me just say "Merry Meet and Merry Part and Merry Meet Again" with Blessings and hopes that your Path will prove enlightening and not too full of the tribulations of life that beset us all.
May the Goddess and God smile upon you and let every Moon find you bathed in naught but happiness and contentment.

Blessed Be,

