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The ocean is a lady
Changing all the time
Within a single instant
With no reason and no rhyme
From deep blue sparking water
To an angry violent gray
The ocean is a lady
Whimsical and fey

The ocean is a lady
And must be treated so
To sail upon her waters
Or play in current's flow
To dive beneath her surface
And see the dwellers there
The ocean is a lady
Just handle her with care

The ocean is a lady
From which all life was born
She gives in great abundance
She takes with monster storms
The ones who live upon her
Remember but one rule
The ocean is a lady
Who will not suffer fools

The ocean is a lady
As all the seafolk know
The whales still sing her praises
In songs both strange and slow
The dolphins dance in rapture
Within her wet embrace
Yes, the ocean is a lady
Of immeasurable grace

The ocean is a lady
And so I end my song
I attempted to describe her
Tho' I knew I'd get it wrong
For she is ever changing
First contrary then serene
The ocean is a lady
And the keeper of our dreams
