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These are my girls. I'm sure the people at the photo place say "Here comes that lady with all the cat pictures" So screw 'em...they're my babies and I love them.

This is Branwyn...chief inspector of the house

Rose is like good until that first cup of coffee

and of course, being in such a high stress environment...

Bran got a little over-enthusiastic when the Easter Bunny came....

...for which she got a severe lecture from the Bunny himself...whose name is Rodney, by the way

....after which a nap was definately in order....

Rose...being more cautious...waited until the Bunny was under control

...not to say that she isn't brave...she was very poor Rodney's food dish

My girls... I don't know what I'd do without them

Branwyn is so introspective...dreams of being an outdoor kitty...until she accidentally gets outdoors

Rose tends to be more actively adventurous...and occasionally gets into places that she has trouble getting out of.

And these are my boys. Arthur is King of the Mountain but Misha is fast catching up size wise. though.

Sunday mornings at our house tend to be very laid back affairs.

Misha is the newest member of the household. I should have named him Romeo. He's quite the lover

Although older, Rose is still the tiniest. However she manages to drip disdain when the occassion warrants it.

If you have cats too, I'm sure you understand...
