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'Neath Elder Tree the Druid stood
Making music fair
Weaving tales of tears and mirth
Too beautiful to bear

And far away beneath the Oak
Stood the Witch alone
Worshiping the Goddess there
Maiden, Mother, Crone

The Druid was a well-known Bard
Of talent and renown
He traveled far and made his song
Through countryside and town

The Witch was Healer, unremarked
Her Gift was drawing pain
She spent her time in quiet works
By glow of candle flame.

One night the two did chance to meet
In a place in Ether-land
A word was spoke and answered
And Fate had cast it's hand

A night of magick and full moon
That 13th day of March
An eclipse dark’d the Lady’s face
When Venus sextiled Mars

Though neither Witch nor Druid sought
To complicate their lives
Each felt the pull of kindred hearts
Where love and laughter bides.

But far apart in different lands
Lay Oak and Elder Tree
One stood beneath the summer sun
One beneath the winter breeze

Yet they began to form a bond
Forged strand by fragile strand
The Witch was quite distrustful
The Druid a patient man

He wooed her gently and with care
By words and deeds he sought
To win her heart, to share his love
And how trust in him she ought

The Witch’s heart was turned to his
This Druid from far off lands
And tentatively she reached to touch
Then finally clasp his hand

One night they spoke the Words of Power
That bound them both as one
Though already it had become hard to tell
Where one ended and the other begun.

She bid him come and join her Dance
To share with her what may
He spoke to her of futures shared
And they spoke of “maybe...someday”

So bound they are in soul and heart
The Druid and his Witch
Together both in sunlight fair
Or nights as dark as pitch

And in far off land ‘neath an Elder Tree
Beneath Southern stars aglow
Nestled in midst of a Witch’s glen
A sapling from acorn grows.

And away up North in land of snow
Another sapling unfurles it’s leaves
An Elder beneath the protecting Oak
Sheltered from winter’s freeze

From just past Candlemas they began
The Witch and her Druid Bard
The joy and tears they would share for years
Together even though they’re apart
