Aims and Objectives of IB Geography

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  1. To promote a global perspective and international understanding through geographical education.
  2. To encourage an appreciation of the role that geography can play in the analysis of contemporary issues at a variety of scales.
  3. To develop an appreciation and concern for the diversity of the natural environment, and an understanding of human and physical processes.
  4. To promote a respect for different cultures through an understanding of their development and their inter-relationships.
  5. To develop an appreciation and understanding of the spatial patterns of physical and human features in the environment.


Having followed the programme at a higher or subsidiary level, candidates should:
  1. be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
    • course content
    • spatial processes and patterns
    • geographic terminology
    • geographic concepts
    • methods of presenting geographic information
    • models and theories
    • the geographical implication of the causes, consequences and interrelationships of contemporary world issues.
  2. be able to
    • apply tools and techniques of geography
    • use geographic terminology appropriately
  3. be able to
    • extract relevant information from data sources
    • classify data
    • interpret and analyse data
  4. be able to
    • present clear, concise and logical arguments based on specific and relevant examples.
    • make reasoned and balanced judgements based on a respect for attitudes, values and perceptions of different cultures.