My Spiffy X-Files Page

Hey all of my fellow X-Philes! My name is Kim, and welcome to my Shipper page!! This site is currently under construction so if any of the links don't work, I'm working to get it fixed. Thanks for your patience.

This is a place for you to find your favorite pictures, wavs, etc. of our two favorite characters on television, MULDER AND SCULLY!! I hope you enjoy!

For those of you who don't know what a Shipper is, a Shipper is someone who is dedicated to a romantic relationship between Mulder and Scully. Feel free to sign my guestbook and e-mail me. :-)

Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully and The X-Files do not belong to me. No copyright infringment intended. They belong to FOX, Chris Carter, and 1013 productions.

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Last updated October 24, 2001

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