Oh, there was a little turkey
Who strutted through the straw.
He lived in the barn
With his maw and paw.
But every November,
He thought it was a pity,
They sent him to visit
His cousins in the city.
"Gobble, gobble, gobble,"
He cried all day.
He did not want to go away.
His folks said, "Go!
Before time's wasted
Or you'll spend Thanksgiving
Day being basted!"
And so the little turkey
Went off to see the town.
A little bit unhappy
With his tail feathers down.
His cousins took him
Trotting to their Pizza Hut--
And now that little turkey
Is a pizza nut.
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble
He eats, then sighs,
And orders up more pizza pies.
He tells his cousins,
"Hey! This is living.
It's the way all turkeys
should spend Thanksgiving."
Grandpa Tucker
Copyright ©1997 Bob Tucker
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