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Toad_Hall E-mail Group

Welcome to my E-group's Home Page! Well, this is the more attractive one anyway. Yahoo's design is kinda basic. This is just the info page. The Yahoo page has all the files and whatever on it.


This list is quite open. However, some rules do apply. This group is linked to my web site, which is supposed to be family friendly. So, keep that in mind. Okay, here are the rules:


1. Regular text posts should hold off on profanity. Young people like cartoons too, so let's not corrupt them.

2. No flaming. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But please, don't get carried away. Debate is fine, but know when to call it quits, or take it privately. E-mail Flame wars are a waste of time and space, and it only makes the group a less pleasant place to be. This is supposed to be fun. Let's keep it that way.

Use proper codes in the subject line. DP: Douple Post. This has become a handy code because of Yahoo's delaying problems. Try not to send a post too many times. OT: Off topic. If it's not about Toad or anything Toad is involved might be nice to use this tag.


Yes, I do allow fanfiction that is Toad related here. I use Toad a lot myself for my Evo Fanfiction. Here's some rules to follow for that:

1. Please watch the language. PG-13 material, please. And, please do put a rating, on your fics if they aren't friendly for the little readers.

2. Though I set this group aside for Evo Toad, I am interested in the other versions, via comics and movies. So, if you have a fic that is not Evo related, but is related to the movie Toad or Comic Toad, please announce that so readers don't get confused.


1. Please be careful with these. If it's not Toad related, be warey of sending it. Viruses lurk everywhere!

2. Images are great. I do so love to see fanart, just try and keep it PG-13 related material. I'm not too hard to please.


It's not that hard. If you want to be a part of my Toad fan e-group, you can either go here to sign up. Or, you can use the box below. Whichever is the most convienient for you. Hopefully, I'll have more to say, but for now, this is a good start.

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Nightcrawler's Ledge
Vi's Fun X-Evo Things
Vi's X-Evo Fanfiction