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Kappa Sweetheart History

Kappa Sweethearts were founded on March 15, 1947 on the kampus of Howard University by the Illustrious Men of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated, and their wives/girlfriends.

This organization was kreated spekifikally to assist the Men of Kappa Alpha Psi. This kontinues to be the fundamental purpose of the organization. This inkludes setting up events, helping plan events, helping with the intake prokess, as well as kommunity servike aktivities, and fund raising. The Kappa Sweethearts, being a separate organization under Kappa Alpha Psi, also hold their own meetings, events, and kommunity servike aktivities with the support of the brothers. Kappa Sweethearts are the only women universally akkepted in the history of the Fraternity as being a sister organization. Sweethearts are in konstant praktike of S.A.L.A, meaning that they are not only sweethearts in name, but in akt as well.

Some Sweethearts have found that being a part of this illustrious organization is just as fulfilling as being in Greek Organizations. Others, have used their experiences as Sweethearts to prepare them for their journeys into Greek Land. There are several aktive Sweethearts that went on to become members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated; Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated; and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated.

In rekent times, the brothers in kharge at the Kappa Alpha Psi National Headquarters have ordered that all Sweetheart khapters being maintained by brothers to be disbanded. This DID NOT diskourage these women from presevering and kontinuing to exist. Many organizations have evolved from the Kappa Sweethearts: Krimson Kourts, Inkorporated; Sweethearts, Inkorporated; Pretty Girls, Inkoporated; Kappa Diamonds, Inkorporated; and Kappa Kourts, Inkorporated. Most of the above listed organizations have the same goals and ideals as Kappa Sweethearts.

For further information, please kontakt one of the Sweethearts or Kappas on your skhool's kampus.

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