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This page was inspired by dancingpaul.com. Now, I know that this page has nowhere near the engineering genius employed there, but my HTML skills simply aren't that deft. Not yet, at least. In the future? Perhaps, perhaps...
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~  D A N C I N G    E R I C  ~

Dancing Eric,
sexy, good-looking, and ruggedly handsome

Number of Pictures: 2 of 4

In order for this page to run smoothly, you're going to have to let it run once through to let all the pictures load. So yes, the first time through it's going to be slow and boring, but it gets better. I promise.
© 1998 - 2002 Z. H. Fordsmender

Sergei Semënov
school-teacher, author,

Semënov is my personal hero and an inspiration. I strongly suggest everyone take a look at my S.S. page and learn a little more about this fantastically amazing man. You can reach the page by clicking on the above picture.

Frederick Douglass
abolitionist, philosopher,

Douglass shares the title with Semënov as my favorite historical figure. I first grew interested in him when I ran across his speech What the Black Man Wants and ever since I've grown more enamored with his political philosophy, his morals and his liberality, and of course his writing.