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South East Regional Ideas

(Thanks to all who brought their ideas to present and share and those who made agape to share)
There are pictures of some of the items that have been scanned into the computer that can be sent to you, or if you are viewing this as a web page, follow (hopefully).

If have questions or need info sent to you, please contact me at

Pictures are available upon request, please email me with your email address and your snail mail address (in case there are problems). Or if you wish to send us a blank CD-R or CD-RW we could make you a CD with all the pictures. Most pictures are in groups. Discovered that some of the cards and sayings were on heavy 80 lb. Paper — is about thickness of poster paper — it will go through my computer printer.

1. Earrings — iron together perler beads and then put earring stuff on. Could do non-piereced this way as well as pierced, I believe.

2. Vest — pin agape on to it (not as agape item — but to display agape have received)

3. Braided bracelet — different colors satin cord braided together.

4. Frog eraser — "Leap for the Lord — Jesus has erased our sins."

5. Mirror — "May your life reflect God's love."

6. Salt packet like get at fast food place and Christmas light bulb small — "Salt and Light"

7. Balloon — "When you feel deflated - God will always fill you up."

8. Today you blossom with the Lord's love." With a small flower pot with flowers. WalMart has some tiny 1" or less flower pots in craft section — they are spring colors, 6 to a pack. Small width rainbow ribbon glued around top of pot.

9. Cocoon out of jute thread hanging down from a branch.

10. Jesus nut — 6 sided hex nut — 1/4" Howard's Lumber had best price; 100/box=$4.00 Not stop nuts — they cost more. Technically, one on helicopter has 8 sides, but I didn't find any little ones with eight sides.
Blue ink: "In the operator's manual the nut that
Blue ink: holds the rotor to the top of the
Blue ink: helicopter is described as the Jesus nut.
Green ink: Keep this nut on your key ring as a reminder
Red ink: that Jesus holds your life together and without Him
Orange ink: your life could fall apart.
Yellow ink: Col. 1:17

11. Put ribbon on 7 square wide plastic canvas cut long enough to fit in spine of Bible and add saying: "Slide this bookmark in the spine of your Bible."

12. Q-tip "God cleans the deep down dirty places we don't want to think about."

13. Small wooden spoon as butterfly body; poster paper wings.

14. Foamy cut into foot shape: "The mind of man plans; The Lord directs our feet."

15. Coffee filter angel

16. Feather glued to a card with this saying:
I am an angel feather
Sent from God above.
To serve as a reminder
Of His most gracious love.

17. Light switch plate — plain old beige rectangular one. Write DeColores and paint rainbow on with colored markers.

18. Rooster cup — make comb top out of chenille stick — shape and twist; Make beak out of bumpy chenille. Stick 2 separate together and then twist. Draw on eyes.

19. Plastic canvas rooster.

20. Clay pin —
"Abba Father
You are the potter
We are clay in Your hands
Mold us and fashion us
into the image of Jesus your son."

21. Short square nail painted black glued crossways to longer square nail painted black to make cross. Point of long one put in block of wood.

22. Apple cut out of index card (apple hole punch - med size) Somehow the peanut is attached and hangs down below that.
Nut Pop!
Peanut in shell, face drawn on; shellaced to preserve
Never Underestimate The Power Of Prayer

23. "I will follow Jesus — He knows the Way" Footprint cutouts on small card

24. Stick of gum: "Chews Jesus — Jesus is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow.

25. Lace angel

26. Peity stool — wood cut out with hold saw and sanded smooth on edges; dowels miter cut and glued to bottom.

27. Puzzle piece - "Jesus is the missing piece"

28. Guitar pick — "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord."

29 Spool — ?

30. Ear plugs: "For keeping out noise as you're reading God's Word
For still, quiet times with Jesus, our Lord
For helping you concentrate on God's guidance true —
For letting you know that we care for you.
Be still and know ...

31. Disposable razor:
"The Word of God is living and sharper than any two-edged sword."

32. Take ribbon and make an x. Glue on safety pin to make a butterfly pin.

33. Cross made from perler beads ironed together.

34. Angel made with perler beads ironed together. Wire wings.
Halo — ? Color
Head — beige
Body - blue

35. Make a barrette with curly ribbon (red ribbon, etc. — one of each color of rainbow), tie onto big bobby pin and then curl.

36. Put 6 small gold safety pins hanging from one small gold safety pin. On first hanging one put lavender seed beads (fill up safety pin); on second one the next color and so on til have as many colors of the rainbow as you can — all 6 if can get 6 safety pins hanging vertically from the horizontal safety pin.

37. Tiny twisted paper angel

38. A watch made like: (see below). "A watch to replace the one they took away."
Ribbon wrist band — striped?
Some kind of ring about the size of a watch face - like on key rings
That holds ribbon or cloth in it so you can see it
Hands are like the inside flower parts that come off some kind of silk flower. I.e., little oval things with a tiny, tiny bit of stem.

HAVE SAMPLES OF: (Have pictures of SOME scanned in — several to a page.)

1. # 36 above. Safety pins and seed beads.

2. Card with a feather in the middle
I am an angel feather
Sent from God above
To serve as a reminder
Of His most gracious love

Glue colored small feather here

Then reunion group name, town

3. Plexiglass (looks like that must be it) rooster cut out and then painted. Thing to make it a pin attached to back.

4. Tennis shoe eraser on card
"Your word is a lamp unto my feet . . ."
Psalm 119:105

5. Piety stool made out of wood circle and small dowels

6. Rainbow seeds — small candies (ice cream toppings — multicolored) Have saying if anybody needs it. And have scanned it in.

7. Xerox of a butterfly and cut out with saying blocked across top:
"Therefore, if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed."
John 8:36

8. Tri bead fish. Tribeads on a colored pipe cleaner — Determine where middle of pipe cleaner is and twist together about ½ inch up so have a loop to attach a hook to (one like on dog leash where you attach it to the collar). Then put card on that part indicating which reunion group.

After the loop start putting beads on the top and the bottom parts of the pipe cleaner. Pipe cleaner on sample is kelly green and the fish is really pretty. Top: 2 clear, 2 yellow, 2 pink, 2 dark green, 2 light green, 2 orange, 2 red, 2 lavender, 2 aqua, 2 dark blue.
Bottom: 2 dark blue, 2 aqua, 2 lavender, 2 red, 2 orange, 2 light green, 2 dark green, 2 pink, 2 yellow, 2 clear.
Then twist together the pipe cleaners. Have bead part in fish body shape. Leave about 1 and ½ inches of pipe cleaner for tail in V shape.

9. Agape bag — a bought birthday party bag with balloons on it. Sure was appreciated by the time that afternoon came around!

10. God bag.
- Create a crisis. (If you already have one, skip step 1)
- Write it down
- Open bag.
- Insert crisis.
- Close bag
- Let go and let God.

The Disciple General has
determined that
"taking things back"
is hazardous to your spiritual health.

Saying was done on computer - - items were numbered. Printed on colored paper. Then paper was glued to bag. Computer generated label (small mailing label) with reunion group name was stuck above the cut out saying. Bag was left open.

11. Yarn bookmark. 3 Different colors of yarn braided together; then 3 different ones of those tied at top.

12. Silk flower (small daisy — different colors). Puffy butterfly glued in middle. Flower has been taken off stem. Thing tomake it into a pin glued on back.

13. Mending kit (bought). Saying glued on: "Be Prepared to be Repaired."

14. Felt piece about 6" long — 2 inches wide — ends rounded. "DE COLORES" written across top (rounded) in different color paint. Saying printed on colored paper and pinned onto felt with straight pin:
"It's time to see some
old and new faces,
And name tags are
needed to fill in blank spaces.
Just pin yours right here,
So there's no need to fear;
‘Cause with this nifty gadget
You're sure to always have it!<=

Name of reunion group

15. Pasta Angel. Have directions for those. They are long. Email me.

16. Rainbow yarn — lots of about 2 ½ to 3 inch pieces. Tied together in middle. Will be flat — not pom-pom (not that many pieces!). Two wiggle eyes glued in middle. Saying printed on white paper (long strip) and pinned to back with silver med. safety pin. So it can be worn as a pin.

"A new command I give you, love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
All men will know you are my disciples, if you love
one another."

John 13:34 - 35


Reunion group name.

17. Rainbow Peephole: Bought little round circle with special acetate in the middle. When you look through the circle at a light, you see rainbows. Works best when you look at a pin point of light like a lamp or tiny white Christmas lights. We have gotten "glasses" like this at Christmas --you look thru and see Noel or Joy. Have internet info where to buy somewhere. On back of peephole is "Rainbow Symphony, Inc."

Peephole attached to card. Card has reunion Group Info on one side.
On other: "As God brought the rainbow to Noah as a symbol of his new covenant, so too you have now made anew your covenant with Jesus. Use this peephole as a reminder of both God's covenant with you and yours with Him. Hold it up to the light and see the wonderful colors of God's rainbow and remember the wonders God has in store for you. Have a colorful Fourth Day.


18. Wooden "Jesus" fish shape keyring — on beaded short chain. Have seen in Oriental Trading catalog.

19. Small (smaller than usual small) — i.e., favor size --matchbox with matches.

Colored paper wrapped around it to cover three sides — one strike side left uncovered.
One wide side has Emmaus community name
Other side has: Happy Fourth Day
Let Your Light Shine

20. Nail cross painted black on wood base — described above.

21. Colored M & Ms in a small ziploc.

22. Yo - yo. (The kind you would find in the birthday party favor section of the store or from Oriental Trading — i.e., favor size Yo-yo). In a snack baggie with piece of paper that says: "God's prevenient grace is constantly wooing, pursuing, and drawing us back to Him — like a yo-yo." Label with reunion group or Emmaus community name stuck on outside of baggie.

23. Praying hands tie tac/lapel pin. (Store bought). Pinned on paper with saying below and put in snack baggie.
Reunion group info at top/place/community
"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body, and knit them together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous — and how well I know it."
Psalm 139: 13-14

24. Small plastic brandy snifter about 1 ½ inches Saying on red paper strip rolled up and put inside bowl of brandy snifter (so it is filled with red)br "And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, "Drink of it, all of you; for this is the blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." br Matt. 26: 27 - 28.

25. A penny for your thoughts. Bought card and pressed penny. Penny has the 10 commandments pressed on it. To see the wording on the penny, tilt the coin to the right. Same principle applies with the 10 commandments — to understand each Commandment, you need the light of the New Testament. ........

Living Waters Pubns. At (562) 920-8431

26. Small 1" pastel flower pot with small flowers in "Let God nourish you where you bloom and grow" on self adhesive lable.
Piece of rainbow striped ribbon around flower pot.

27. Solo cup rooster.

28. Watch (described above — partially.) Ring looks like a key ring ring. Something about 3/4 wide and textured (but not elastic) is the band. Sample is royal blue. Velcro put on the ends so it can be fastened together. A piece of striped silky,satiny ribbon is cut into a circle and glued in the middle of the key ring circle. Stripes: yellow, white, green red, small white, royal blue med., yellow. Little pieces that come from middle of silk flowers (I think) glued to middle — they have stick with oval type bead look at end) — one is longer than the other. "To replace the watch they took away." or — "God's Rolex - He has all the time if the world for YOU."

29. Clip clothes pin. Wood heart glued to one end; magnet piece glued to the other. Sticker stuck in middle of heart.

30. Bottle of bottled water. Yarn tied around neck. Several cards holdpunched and tied to it:

"Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
John 4:13-14.
Community name

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, Oh God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?
Psalm 42, NIV

"It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the Beginning and the End. To him who is
thirsty, I will give to drink without cost from
the spring of the water of life.
Revelation 21:6 NIV

These are all printed on cards a little bigger than business card.
DECOLOREs and community name and contact info on back.

31. Cloth heart sewn out of rainbow colored cloth (front) and plain colored cloth on back. Stuffed with fiberfill. Safety pin put on back so can be pinned on. Strip of colored paper with saying also attached to safety pin.
"For God ... made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God in the face of Christ."
II Corinthians 4:6
Reunion Group info
32. Candy airplane — little different from one made by Dayspring
"Flying high with Jesus is —
Just ‘plane' good sense!"

33. Clay pin with "ABBA" pressed into it and pin thingee put on back. Also described above.

34. Votive candle. Strip of paper wrapped around and glued.
"Let your light so shine before men, that
they may see your good works and give
glory to your Father who is in Heaven.
Matthew 5:16.
Reunion Group name

35. Other pins made with a prefab picture.

36. Magnet sheet — small. Picture and "Prayer Spoken Here." Have seen a rolled sheet of magnet "paper" at WalMart, but haven't tried it. There are also some interesting computer things — but don't know if there are magnet ones. Have seen ones you can make bumper stickers (don't know if they are static cling or what) that you can find in computer supply area.

37. As the deer pants bookmark.

38. Small plastic canvas rectangle with pocket.
Small plastic canvas cross inserted.
Saying folded up and put in there also:
Long — so not printed here.
