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FTP Test
Create a directory(folder)  in your angelfire account called ftptest.   Have a link to the company web page of the  logo you choose from the Report on Business Top 50 Logos article.  (5 marks) It should go to the main page of  the company's site, and not a splash page.  cts splash   cts main page
Insert a hypertext image of their logo. Then insert that image on the line below. (remember you may have to edit the index file.) (10 marks)

center the logo

Explain why you think the logo you have choose is a good logo?  (10 marks)

Use your name as the title of the page. (5 marks)

Type out the notes from class on how to put up and website using and Netscape composer.  Be as specific as possible.  You can add more detail as this will become your own resource. (10 marks)

Send me an email to  with the subject of  P2/P6 FTPTest FirstName Last Name. (10 marks)

The test will be out of 50 marks.  Best of luck.