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Hello, and Welcome to Sassys Designz!!!
And my new look...

Each of my sets has matching logos for you to link to me.
When noted, there will be a matching logo
to the artists and Sassys Designz.
Please use both matching logos.
Please link the set to me at:
and please download to your *own server*.


1. Do not resize the images.
2. Do not mix and match the sets.
3. These sets are free for a link to personal sites only.
You may not use them on business sites.
4. Sites using the graphics must not have any adult or pornographic content.
5. Do not add anything on this site to graphics collections.
6. The required link must be on each page a set is used.
7. I do hope you will enjoy my graphics.
And thank you for visiting, and do come back often.
Why don't you "Bookmark" this site.

I would love to hear from you. Drop me an email.

Graphics best viewed with Internet Explorer browser

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Tom Sierak
Sassys Designz