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About Us


"The best Trainers are those who never stop learning:

*They are the ones who have learned not to base their opinions about the usefulness of a training method, on the inability of someone (or population of people) to understand and learn to use a method correctly.

*They are the ones best equipped to work with the sometimes unconventional (but so true-to-life) combinations of individual idiosyncrasies, personal strengths and weaknesses which present with each student-dog/handler team.

......even when it means they must revise previously held concepts and challenge old ideas."

By; Janice Frasche


"The Lueders have been training dogs for a combined 41 years...not for the show ring, but for every day problems that occur with people in their own back yards.

They look at this as not helping people with a dog problem, but rather, "HELPING DOGS WITH PEOPLE PROBLEMS"! They are "Dog Whisperers"!


Duff started a successful Law Enforcement Career in 1972 after being recruited from the Central Intelligence Agency to the Washington D.C. Police dept., then to the Georgetown University Police Dept. , the Falls Church, Va. Police Dept. and finally retired in 1992 from the Wexford Co. Sheriff Northern Michigan.

In 1982 he became a certified Police K-9 handler and six months later became a certified Handler/Trainer and opened his new Dog Obedience Training School. He is a graduate and certified Handler/Trainer from; Rudy Drexler's School for Dogs in Elkhart Indiana. This school was founded in 1964 and is known worldwide for providing affectionate and trustworthy working dogs, using proven humane training methods and development of a handler training curriculum that is unmatched in its thoroughness and success. Rudy Drexler's School for Dogs, Inc. maintains affiliates in Canada, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Duff Duff Lueder's certification as a Handler/Trainer include such areas as K-9 Obedience, Behavior, Man-tracking, Narcotics Detection, Building Search, Article Search, Crowd Control and Explosives Detection. From 1985-1988 he was one of only 7 Bomb Dog Handlers in the State of Michigan.

In addition to K-9 Handling, his Public Relations Officer Duties and his Dog Training School, he also became one of the first 62 D.A.R.E. Officers in the State of Michigan. D.A.R.E. (which stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education), is a program wherein police officers are specially trained to teach 5th and 6th graders a 17 week course on resisting the pressures to take drugs.

Duff also designed, taught and implemented one of the first Drug Education Programs for the Workplace following the enactment of the Drug Free Workplace Act, in the State of Michigan. This included not only lectures and on site employee drug education, but incorporated (with the support of Management and Employee representatives), the on site private use of trained drug dogs in areas open to the public as well.

Since he retired from Law Enforcement in 1992, he has earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Sciences and additionally his Master of Science Degree in Animal Science and has continued to train and develop KNINEPAL's Training and Behavior Modification Program for dogs and their owners as it is taught today. In March of 2007 Duff was recognized by CRIMINAL JUSTICE ON-LINE as one of 550 police officer writers in the United States. He is also an AKC approved evaluator for the "CANINE GOOD CITIZEN" Program(CGC).

In 2004, Duff finished co-authoring a new book called; "Dusty Here", Understanding a Dogs Point of View!, which is now available in Paperback and E-book and can be found at, Barnes & Noble as well as bookstores. (Click on the link below to learn more about "Dusty, Here".

In August of 2005 Duff finished a second book that is now available and can be obtained directly at;

called, "CANINE REFLECTIONS" Memoirs of a Police K-9 Handler/Behaviorist Trainer" as well as & Barnes & Noble on line, and other book stores. In addition,Duff currently writes a monthly editorial column on "Understanding Dogs" for The Belton & Honea Path News Chronical.

Duff and his wife Jane have co-authored a third book as of September, 2007, titled: YOUR PERSONAL GUIDE TO "DOG WHISPERING & HELPING DOGS WITH PEOPLE PROBLEMS." This book is a comprehensive guide that instructs dog owners on how to recognize, understand and take steps to resolve problems they may have with their dogs in a fun, common sense format. This book explains in detail the "secrets" to "Dog Whispering." (See page one of this site to see how to get your copy.) _____________________________________________________

Jane who has worked right alongside Duff, also worked with children in foster care and assisted Duff in Drug Education for children as well as adults. She was an active member of a service group known as the Sheriff's Posse, which was an organized Search and Rescue unit developed to locate missing and lost persons as well as other civic safety functions by utilizing horses.

She is an excellent rider and in her love for horses has had everything from Belgium's to wild Mustangs. Her favorites however are Paints.

Jane She became a certified Obedience Trainer in 1986, has worked beside Duff ever since, specializing in puppies as well as health and diet as it applies to and affects training. She also served as the first female Special Deputy on the Sheriff dept. and worked with Duff as a back up K-9 handler.

Jane has also developed extensive experience with other animals as well as she managed and operated a pet shop for 2 years and dealt with everything from dogs and cats to birds and fish. She also has experience as an assistant Vet Tech and Practice Manager for a Georgia Veterinarian.

As a working team, Duff and Jane have assisted people from all walks of life with many different breeds of dogs with their individual behavioral problems and quirks, and this has become their specialty. They have one on one, hands-on experience training with over 3,200 families and their dogs over the years and are available to assist you as well.

The Lueders live and work in the Georgia, South Carolina area exclusively making house calls. (Learn more about their training philosophy on the next page). To contact Duff & Jane directly, call: 864-338-6904

Click on; AuthorHouse to order your copy of our newly released book "CANINE REFLECTIONS", available now in both Hard Cover and Paperback.

