This page is currently under construction.
I will be posting my thoughts and other interesting things here for you to read and even debate. Send me your views and I may even post them here on a link for others to see both sides of the argument. Then again, maybe I wont. After all, it is my site.
There is a link for my e-mail at the bottom of the page. Send me your views there.
At any rate, this site is political in nature (as if you couldn't tell) and is Conservative in thought. Remember, on the Turnpike of Truth, there are no Left turns.
Please come back and visit again!
The following is a list of pages on my site. Hopefully, this will start some of you thinking about the promise of the left. Enjoy!
Words of Wisdom form Walter Williams
My Favorite Web Sites
The Republican National Committee
Rush Limbaugh's Web Site
Newt Gingrich's Web Site
God Bless Ronald Reagan