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*IT* Girls Appearences
*IT* Girls Appearences
The Atlanta "IT" Girls are likely to be seen at any HOT CLUB in Atlanta that you hit, SO BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR THEM. Hey and don't be afraid to speak or ask for a pic or autograph WE LOVE NEW FRIENDS. SINCERLY YOURS Atlanta's hottest CEO___Winter
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Winter and Sincere Lee
Winter and Sincere Lee 
Atlanta "IT" Girls CEO Winter and her best friend and formal "IT" Girl PRESIDENT Sincere Lee leaving the casting of a movie to be shot in ATLANTA

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How could i be an it girl and by the way i seen your site while i was on the glenn twins site i love it came out good i can't believe you guys design these sites yourself im doing the model thing also im getting a site soon i hope i just don't no who i want to do it lol well when you get a chance please email me thanks keep up the good work
shanika brown | | October 17, 2005