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Join CWW
Hey applicants, copy and paste this application info into an email. Be sure to entitle the email somthing like "CWW Application" or something like that. Then fill everything out. And then, send it to us, at The Owner . Good luck.

Your Email Address-

Your Name-

Wrestler's Gender-(Male or Female)

Wrestler's Name-

Wrestler's Height-

Wrestler's Weight-

Wrestler's Entrance Music-

Wrestler's Hometown-

Wrestler's Affiliation-(Heel,Face,or Neutral)

Wrestler's Ring Style- (High Flyer, Brawler, Etc)

Wrestler's Finishing Move-

Describe Finishing move-

Top 5 ring moves other than finisher-






Manager-(If none,put N/A)

How many lines do you average-(ex:45-50)

SAMPLE ROLEPLAY-*ha to be at least 50 lines*(***This is reqired to be able to join the CCW***)