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The Compassionate Friends of
SouthWest GeorgiA

Located in Thomasville, Georgia

A Memorial of sons and daughters who died.

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The Compassionate Friends is a nonprofit self-help organization for families who have experienced the death of a son or daughter (of any age). The mission of The Compassionate Friends is to assist families in the positive resolution of grief following the death of a child and to provide information to help others be supportive.

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On this site, you will find:
Compassionate Friends:
A Royal Beginning.

To view other sections, click your left mouse button on links that are highlighted as brite blue, underlined words.

Our Calendar of Special Dates we Remember
Calendar of Special Dates

The National Credo
Compassionate Friends Credo

Links to other Chapters
Local, State, National Chapters
Photos of our Loved Ones
Our Children

Dedicated Pages
Arlyn Beal
Sarah Cowling
Ashley Cumbie
Tara Kawahata
Deborah & Nicholas Laycock
Tracy Pritchard
Christen Thompson
Zachary Wiggins
Ryan Lee Wells
Randall C. Griffin
Michael Ragan
Jason Todd Mullins
Ben McClain Jackson

You may want to Bookmark this site due to regular updates of new content and additional pages.

Thank you for visiting; it makes us feel good for people to remember our children.

Sign Our Guestbook
Guestbook by GuestWorld

View Our Guestbook

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Related Sites:
butter circles Grieving Parents Support Group
A Support Group for Grieving GrandParents
Parents of Suicides Support Group
The Compassionate Friends of Atlanta, Georgia
The Compassionate Friends of Columbia County Georgia
The Compassionate Friends as a National Organization

National Conference: Atlanta, Georgia - July 2003 Visit site for information.

buttermail The Compassionate Friends of Southwest Georgia - Webmaster

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