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Keyboard Shortcuts (Hotkeys) for Starcraft and Broodwar
[ Single and MultiPlayer Options: ]
Key or Keys What the Key(s) will do
F10 Game Menu
Alt + M Game Menu
Alt + S Save Game
Alt + L Load Game
Alt + H Help Menu
F1 Help Menu
Alt + O Options Menu
+ Increase Game Speed
- Decrease Game Speed
Ctrl + X Exit Starcraft
Alt + X Exit Starcraft
Ctrl + Q Quit Mission
Alt + Q Quit Mission
Ctrl + M Toggle Music ON/OFF
Ctrl + S Toggle SFX (Sound) ON/OFF
Space Bar Center on last transmission
Ctrl + # Assign Group #
# Select Assigned Group
## Center on Assigned Group
Shift + F {2-4} Assign Location
F {2-4} Center on Assigned Location
Alt + SelectUnit Recall Group
Shift + Issue Command Set Waypoint
Ctrl + C Center on Selected Unit
Tab Hide/Reveal Terrain in Minimap
Shift + Tab Toggle Diplomacy Colors in Minimap
  • Green = Your Troops
  • Yellow = Allied Troops
  • Red = Enemy Troops
Shift + Select Unit Add/Remove Unit from Current Selection
Ctrl + Select Unit Selects all units of that type on the Main Screen

[ MultiPlayer Options Only: ]
Key or Keys What the Key(s) will do
Enter Send Message
Shift + Enter Send Message to All
Ctrl + Enter Send Message to Allies

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