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For some time following the development of the matchlock mechanism,
individual firearms remained fairly small in size. This was because individual firearms,
for some obscure reason related to man’s natural love of symmetry, were butted
against the breastbone for firing. This placed severe limitations on the amount of recoil
which a man could take and, hence, on the size and muzzle velocity of the projectile which
he could fire.
Then, shortly before the beginning of the sixteenth century, men
began butting their weapons to the shoulder. Like many developments of importance to the
early development of practical military small arms this custom seems to have originated in
Spain though we cannot be sure. The net result was the relaxation of a significant
constraint governing the design of small arms: arquebusses could now be made to shoot a
considerably heavier projectile than before at velocities which were at least as high.1
At first, however, there was little change in the size and power of
at least Spanish small arms. They seem to have generally paralleled the crossbow in
penetrative power and effective range, gaining in popularity from their greater
reliability and simplicity and perhaps from their effectiveness at frightening horses.
Then, in the waning years of the fifteenth century, Spanish armies
entered Italy under the renowned Gonsalvo de Cordova. Here they encountered tactical
conditions far different from those to which they were accustomed. Their Moorish opponents
on the open plains of Andalusia and North Africa had been mainly lightly armored cavalry
who relied on short-range missile fire and tactical mobility. But their principal
opponents in Italy had weapons and tactics tailored to the more constricted battle fields
of northern Europe. They were heavily armored troops who relied almost exclusively upon
direct shock action and were the finest fighting men in the world for that purpose: French
heavy cavalry and Swiss and German mercenary pikemen and halberdiers.
The early chapters in the history of the development of the Spanish
musket are undocumented. At first the musket was simply a ‘large arquebus’ to
observers and it was not identified as a clearly differentiated weapon until much later.
Still, it is apparent that the urgent need for increased stopping power and penetrative
ability at long ranges had an almost immediate impact on Spanish small arms design. The
fifty picked arquebusiers who accompanied Pedro Navarro at Ravenna in 1512 and who fired
their weapons from forked rests were musketeers in fact if not in name.2 By the battle of Mühlberg in
1547, effective small arms fire at unexpectedly long ranges was solidly established as a
Spanish trademark.
That the Spanish musket of the sixteenth century was equally well
suited for Mediterranean warfare at sea should not obscure the fact that it originated as
a specialized infantry weapon, awesome in its power, designed to penetrate armor and stop
a charging Swiss pikeman or French gendarme in his tracks at the longest possible range.
While serving this purpose magnificently, the musket placed heavy demands on its user,
imposed a heavier logistic burden than an ordinary arquebus and was slower to load and
fire. Still, as long as armored shock action remained important on the battlefields of
Europe, the Spanish musket retained its place in warfare and small arms elsewhere grew in
size and power in imitation of it. The standard small arm of the late sixteenth century in
northern Europe was the ‘caliver’ (from the French, arquebuse du calibre de
M. le Prince, a large arquebus) of about 74 caliber.3
Then, as the use of armor began to decline — to a large extent
because of the effectiveness of the larger shoulder arms — the musket itself began to
diminish in size until, at the end of the seventeenth century, it was no larger or more
powerful than the arquebus it had initially supplanted. With the tactical demand removed,
technology returned to its original level. The eighteenth-century infantry musket was
lighter, easier to load, and — because of its flintlock mechanism — faster
firing and more reliable than the sixteenth-century arquebus; but in effective range and
stopping power it was essentially the same.
Though we know little about it, the process of development which produced the Turkish musket of the sixteenth century must have closely paralleled that which produced its Spanish equivalent. Certainly, the tactical stimuli and technological results were remarkably similar. If anything, the Janissaries — small arms specialists from an early date — may have had a head start since their opponents were armored specialists at shock action all along. This generalization applies with equal accuracy to Serbian and Hungarian knights and to Venetian and Genoese noblemen. The Mamluks, though less heavily armored than contemporary French gendarmes, were pure shock specialists and wore reasonably complete suits of mail reinforced with plate at strategic locations. In addition, the Ottomans had been opposed from the 1440s by mercenary Bohemian and Moravian infantry in the Hungarian service, forerunners of the Landsknechts of the sixteenth century and probably just as heavily armored.
1Black powder small arms, like artillery, have a relatively inflexible upper limit of attainable muzzle velocity imposed by the limitations of black powder’s burning rate; but because of the scale effect and because small charges burn less efficiently than larger ones, a much longer barrel, relatively speaking, is needed to approach this upper limit of muzzle velocity.
2Mentioned from Italian sources by Frederick L. Taylor, The Art of War in Italy 1494-1529 (Cambridge, 1921), p. 46.
3The virtues of ‘calivers’, as opposed to ordinary arquebusses, were extolled by Sir Roger Williams in his Briefe Discourse on Warre (London, 1590).