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Chapter Two: Daydream Believer

Oh what can it mean, to a daydream believer... The Monkees

At around noon the next day, I woke up. Only five more hours to go, I thought to myself. Throwing off the covers, I rolled out of bed. Surprisingly enough, no one had woken me this morning. Even thought it was too late for breakfast, I went downstairs. Hmm, that was funny. Everyone had gone. Oh well, that just made it easier for me. I supposed that Dad had gone to see a friend, Mum had left for the store, and I didn't really care to know where my brother Alex was. The fact of the matter was that I had the house to myself for hopefully all day. That way I could easily slip out without questioning. The phone rang and I picked it up and answered groggily.


"Hi, Ella, it's Ariyan. Why didn't you call me last night!?!"

"I told you, I was dead tired, girl."

"So, what happened with George?"

"He asked me out. I'm going to the Cavern at five."

"No way! Ugh, you've got to be the luckiest girl alive!" She paused for a moment, probably to finally take a breath. "But that's not why I called. I'm going to be out of town for a few weeks. My dad is taking us all to Ireland for the summer."

"Wow, Ari, that's great!" No matter how excited I was for her, I was still simply too tired to sound enthusiastic enough.

"Well, I just wanted to say goodbye in advance. I'm going to miss you so much, but I don't think you'll be too busy thinking about me with that new boyfriend of yours."

"He's not my boyfriend!" I insisted.

"Whatever, I'll see you in a few weeks, Natalie. Say hello to Alex for me."

"I will. Bye, Ariyan!"

I settled the phone back in its cradle and yawned. Steadying myself on the table, I stretched out and popped a few joints unintentionally. It was lunchtime, so I pulled out bread to make a sandwich. After my makeshift meal, I trudged back upstairs. Since there was nothing more entertaining to do, I went back to sleep. At 3:50, Alex came home and took the liberty of rudely awakening me.

"Natalie, get up, lazy fart! You've been asleep all day!"

"Leave me alone, you ruddy clod! I'll tell Dad when he gets home."

He backed off in a hurry. Ugh! There was still another hour to kill. I had that nasty, unclean feeling that I always acquired after a daytime nap. A long shower would pass the time and would also make me feel fresher. After I stepped out, I'd probably drained us of all our hot water. It was still only four. The dress that I picked out was again something that Mum would pitch a fit over. It was spaghetti strap, red, and came down to my knees: a splendidly flattering outfit. Shoes: ha, great. This time I was worse off than before. My sandals were the only other thing I had that matched. I wasn't wearing any jewelry, but I had my matching evening bag. The dress was just tight enough to be sexy, but not so much as to restrict movement since we were dancing. I dotted some Chanel on my pulse points and dabbed on a little powder and lipstick. Time seemed to have stopped. It was 4:18 and I was set to leave already. Picking up Finnegan's Wake, I flipped through what I had re-read last week. It had been required for Non-Traditional Literature class last semester, but I didn't mind because it was a spellbinding and engrossing book, very confusing but well-written. Joyce had an innovative style that interested me. He would make up words out of other words to mean certain things. This particular novel didn't have a beginning, middle or end. All of these fascinating elements made it hard to analyze for the final paper. When we had to find symbolism, it was near impossible. Identifying points of view and summarizing the plot was even more difficult. Wistfully, I recalled the hour-long arguments we would have over this story in class.

After what seemed like 3 hours, there was a loud knock. While rushing to the front hall, I kicked Alex out of the way and handed him a ten-pound note so he would keep his mouth shut. Taking a moment to compose myself, I opened the door.

"Evening, Ella, my dear." He bravely bent forward to peck me on the cheek and blushed deeply while asking if I was ready.

"I think so. Let's go before my brother sees us."

As soon as I was outside, George took my hand in his. We walked there because you can walk everywhere in Liddypool. The Cavern was the most popular club within a 50-mile radius. It had quite a lot of competition too because of the Blue Angel, Kinkajou, Jacaranda, and Casbah. Paul was outside with a girl I didn't know. George seemed to be acquainted with her, though.

"Oy, Anya! What's up, luv?"

"Hello, George, sweet. Do you know when John plans on showing up?"

"'Fraid not."

I wasn't exactly happy about how well these two were hitting it off.

"Ella, this is my girl, Anya," Paul introduced.

I nodded and forced a smile. As long as she and George stayed a few continents apart, I would still have a good chance at him.

"Hello, Ella. I heard that you and George just met. He's really a cutie if you get to know him," Anya said sending George a wink.

George smiled back flirtatiously, and my blood boiled. Great. Just great. These two were going to do this all night.

Just to make sure, I asked, "So, you two were together?"

"Oh no, not quite. But I've known him forever. We've been friends since Dovedale," she replied.

Phew, no problems from her. I could get to know this Anya girl as long as she kept away from George. Paul started talking about some guy matter that neither Anya nor I was immersed in.

"Have you met John's girl yet?" Anya tried to start a conversation.

"No, what is she like?"

"She's okay, but very outspoken. We met a couple of months ago. And she won't make a pass at your boy. John gets really jealous; he would kill her."

"How did you know I was worried about that?"

"It was kind of obvious," she giggled.

Just then, a voice from behind shouted, "Anya! Is this George's new bird?"

I blushed at being addressed as such. This must have been John's girlfriend.

"Sure is, Halle! Come meet her!" Anya yelled back. She walked over and I could tell that she was bubbly and effervescent.

"Hiya! Halle Slater, Johnny's girl," she said quickly. "Ella, right?" I nodded and she continued. "John told me about you."

I wasn't sure what to think of that, so I just nodded again. Wow, I must have come across as a real Einstein; the only response I had displayed was a simple nod.

"Sorry to interrupt, girls, but if we don't go in tonight, it will make for a very boring date," John said loudly as to get our attention.

Inside it was like a dream. Well, a very loud, vivid dream. Halle and John went straight to the dance floor. Paul and Anya sat down and chatted while holding hands. George must have been torn between decisions.

"You wanna dance?"

Oh good, he was leaving it up to me. Even if I was a terrible dancer, it seemed simplest to just answer yes.

My absolute favorite Buddy Holly song, "Oh Boy" was just beginning. Maybe this could be fun if I didn't turn sick from nerves. It was such a quick-paced song that I didn't have time to screw up anything monumentally. All the tension gnawing away at my viscera drained out through my feet. I even managed to relax enough to laugh along with George. He never said much, but what he didn't say was made up in how he moved. Dancing seemed to come naturally to him and he was graceful. It just didn't strike me as being something that George would be skilled at, though. Since my wildly palpitating heart permitted it, we danced to another six songs, which included "I'm Walkin'," by Ricky Nelson, "Summertime Blues," by Eddie Cochran, "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On," and finally another slow, sweet Buddy Holly number, "True Love Ways."

"Are you game to stay out here, luv?" George asked when it began.

Since I was almost completely comfortable with him, I nodded. He placed his hands about me carefully and I leaned in towards him.

Yes you know why

Why you and I

Will by and by

Know true love ways.

The shared warmth of our bodies was contenting and serene as we swayed with a rhythm so perfect. My head rested upon his shoulder and his heartbeat could be felt against my chest.

Sometimes we'll sigh

Sometimes we'll cry

And we'll know why

Just you and I

Know true love ways.

I looked up at him from my sapphire eyes into his chocolate-brown ones. A split second before I would have dropped my gaze, he tilted his head to the left and kissed me. Ever the romantic, I loved every moment of it even if it wasn't long or involved. After my little piece of heaven, I nuzzled against his neck and George lightly set his head on mine.

Throughout the days

Our true love ways

Will bring us joy to share

With those who really care.

After the song had ended, George took my hand and led me near to where Paul and Anya were sitting. They didn't seem to mind us joining them. I'm not sure if they even noticed us with the way they were kissing. When we had been standing together for a while, he started lightly caressing the fingers on the hand he was holding. My insides fluttered, and I lay my head on his shoulder again and sighed gently. I'm sure it was hard for him to watch the display in front of us without longing to do the same. Like my friend, Julia, had told me, "Men want only one thing..." George was different, though, I later realized. Of course he wanted it, but he didn't push to get it. Like I said before, it was all part of what made him so attractive.

Sorry, I just went out on a limb with that; back to our situation in the club. I was simply trying to catch my breath as I leaned heavily upon the wall. When George asked me if I wanted something to drink, I replied, "Oh, yes, that would be wonderful."

"Well, then what do you want?"


"Are you serious?" he asked near laughter.

"Why shouldn't I be?" I was aware that my choice was rather soft.

"Oh I get it, you don't drink, do you, Ella?"

I shook my head and smiled like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Ah, I should'a known. Raised like a princess and you're going to act like one. Tell ya what, I'll bring you your water, but you've got to try some of what I get, a'right?"

"Please don't bring back that dead nasty Scotch and Coke shit."

"So, you have tried it before?"

"Yes, and I don't want to repeat that mistake."

"Well, in that case, you're off the hook, but are you sure you want water, luv?"


Just as he was asked, George came back with my water and his rum and Coke. Just to spite me, he had gotten it with a different alcohol as if that was actually going to convince me to try it. It must have been some plan because in the end, I agreed to take a sip.

Taking the glass from his hand, I brought it to my lips and tilted it only enough for a few drops to pass through. Flinching a bit, I let the dreaded liquid wash over my tongue, and immediately I swallowed it.

"Still bloody disgusting, but an improvement from the Scotch and that doesn't say much. Who in their right mind would ruin Coke with something so... ick?"

His only retort was rolling his eyes at me. We took a seat together. Over the course of a few minutes, I had scooted closer to George and his arm went around me, careful not to go near anything sensitive. After spending a fulfilling half hour in his tight embrace, I excused myself to follow Anya into the loo. It was an unwritten rule; girls had to go to the bathroom in herds.

"I have a feeling we're going to see a lot of each other," Anya said without any rudeness at all. "We ought to do something together." She was retouching her makeup and I did as well.

"That sounds like fun. What do you propose we do?"

"Halle and I are going to a women's field hockey tournament in Southport next weekend. It'll be Friday till Sunday. Would you like to come?"

"Of course, that would be fab!" I gave her my number and told her to ring me later this week.

At nine, George walked me home and we parted with what was our third kiss for the night. The first thing I had to deal with when I walked in was my mother.

She practically ran to the door, dishtowel in hand. "At least the scruff brought you home at a decent hour. If he tried anything, I swear you won't see him again over my dead body."

"Get a grip, Samantha," my dad said over his newspaper.

"Hi, Daddy," I greeted, going over to my father to give him a hug.

"Have a nice time?"

"Couldn't have been better."

Alex skipped into the room and bounced up and down in front of me.

"Natalie! Natalie!"

"What?!?" I finally screamed back.

"What's your boyfriend's name?"

"George." The minute the word escaped my lips I regretted it. Alex went into a loud and off-key rendition of 'George and Natalie sitting in a tree...'

"Will somebody turn him off!?" I pleaded through the second chorus of it.

"Come 'ead, Alex, leave Ella alone. It's your bedtime, anyways." Dad folded the paper and pushed my darling baby brother upstairs. A nine-year-old, hyperactive male child spells constant migraine.

I went to the kitchen where my mother, who could have been mistaken for June Cleaver, was peacefully drying dishes.

"Want some help with that?"

"Ta, Ella, if you'll just put those away."

Hmm, something is up. She hasn't said anything about my dress, I thought stacking the plates in the cupboard.

Scratch that. With a worried, maybe even pitiful expression, Mum looked me over tsking. "Ella, did you have to wear that? You don't know what kind of thoughts you're putting in that boy's head."

"Mum, I am perfectly well capable of handling myself."

She sighed and paused for a long time. "I'm sorry, Ella. I never tell you how proud I am of you. You're such a wonderful girl and I don't think I give you enough credit."

Complements were few and far between from my mum, so I smiled and looked nervously at the floor.

"Thanks, Mum."

"You go up to bed, now. I suppose you need your beauty sleep for your Prince Charming. Get on with yourself; out of my kitchen!" she teased shooing me away.

Back in my room, I put on my Mozart record, which had Eine Kleine Nachtmusik and Symphony No. 40 in G minor. Before dressing for bed in my infamous black nightgown, I rang Jenny, Ally and Lauren to share with them the latest developments. I was on the phone until eleven-thirty. By then, I was already into my nightclothes. Being the multitalented virtuoso that I am, I was able to change while holding a conversation.


Yet again, I woke up to a phone call. This time it was Anya. She told me about the tournament and now all I had to do was ask my parents for permission to go. Now would be an opportune time to ask since they would be too busy preparing for church to say no. Everything worked according to plan, so I was set for a weekend of bonding time with my new girlfriends. For morning service that day, I showered, tied my hair in a forest green ribbon and wore a knee length skirt and sweater of the same color. My white blouse had to be buttoned up all the way to please my mother. Afterwards, I walked the three kilometers to Wavertree Park only to stroll some more. The fountain in the square was my old childhood haunt. When I sat down abreast the crystalline water, I removed the woolen bother from my shoulders. It was humid and sunny, not a comfortable combination. The top two buttons on my shirt were now undone cooling my neck and collar. Trailing my hand casually in the pool below me, I closed my eyes and sung Beethoven's ninth symphony mentally. If you haven't already picked up on it, I am a classical music buff. My parents' culturing didn't just go in one ear and out the other. I found myself wishing that I had brought a book to read so that I could better enjoy the splendid weather that was so uncommon in England. Detected even through my thoughts was a faint but melodic whistling from not far off.

"'Ello, Natalie!" George called from a few meters away.

"George! I wasn't expecting to see you today."

"Ah, well, your mum told me you might be out here."

Oh no, I thought, she must have given him all hell when he showed up.

"Was she being a total cow or did she decide to play it like a good mother?"

"Very polite, she was, actually. Turned all schoolgirl, have you?" he asked wrinkling his nose at my outfit.

"For your information, I just came home from church. I walked straight to the park, so I didn't have the chance to change."

"Promise me you won't dress like that when you don't have to."

That was hilarious. I could have giggled until the end of my life, but I was 'making a scene,' according to George.

"Hush up, girl! You're attracting attention to yourself!"

"I don't care!" So, a lovely afternoon was spent having George chase me about the park forgetting his own dignity. In the process, I had weaseled four more kisses out of him.

As was usual, Mum hounded me when I arrived home with George in tow. I had Alex-watching duty tonight, so there was no chance for us to see each other later. For the rest of the week, I didn't get to see him, either.

Friday rolled around much later than it should have. Halle, being the only one with an independent car, drove the 40 kilometers to Southport. I had a tiny duffel bag for all my belongings since it was a bit of a camping excursion. Field hockey was a more intense sport than I had earlier believed it to be. The experience in its entirety was new to me. I'd never seen the game played by professionals, and I'd never watched so much of any sport in one sitting before. As for my relations with Halle and Anya, we got on famously. By dusk on Friday, all my homesickness had left me and I was enjoying my new company like they'd been my friends for years. Anya had a pup tent that looked more likely to collapse than a card castle, but Halle and I had to sleep directly under the stars. With only my sleeping bag, the grassy field in which we were settled upon felt like only a step above sleeping on concrete. Why we didn't think to sleep in the car, I don't know. That was one of the many obviously avoidable mistakes we made. I barely had a spot of kip the two nights we were there due to the fact that I would start awake every time I heard so much as a cricket chirp. Gourmet chefs we were not, so for breakfast we were pleased to find that Halle had the ability to brew tea that was tolerable. We had only a kettle, fire and tea leaves so it was definitely an accomplishment to have done that. As a tip for those who are common sense impaired, tea is hot when brewed with boiling water. The thin paper cups we had didn't help to ease up that unavoidable fact. All things accounted for, it was a valuable life lesson, which now that I have it behind me, would definitely not repeat voluntarily. Let me tell you, I was happy to see home on Sunday!

