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OMG, I (rebekah) typed out this entire survey and her answers with all the added html to make it underlined and junk, I really hope yall like it!
  1. Name: Caroline
  2. Birthday: July 27
  3. Sign: Leo
  4. Age: 13
  5. Sex: Female
  6. Location: In my room
  7. School: CCA
  8. Glasses/contacts? Neither
  9. Braces? 5-7th grade
  10. Fat/Skinny? Skinny
  11. Tall/Short? tall, it depends on what you compare me to *You're average ya goosie*
  12. Do you like ketchup? the food, not the c/n
  13. Do you like mustard? NO, he is my brother
  14. Do you like mayonnaise? I have a dislike with a passion for mayo
  15. Do you like pickles? Yes
  16. Do you like bologna? Yehh?
  17. Do you like pickle relish? Never tasted it *yeah you have*
  18. Do you like chicken? Yeah, chicken rulz
  19. Do you like spinach? I dont hate it, but too much of it is gross
  20. Do you have any siblings: Unfortunately?.. yeah
  21. What are their names? Suzanne; Phil, sorta in a way
  22. How old are they? 11, 14
  23. Do you have any pets? Yes
  24. What are their names? lucy (cat),Buttons (Cat), Jordan (Cat), Angel (Bird)
  25. What kind of pets are they? Cats and Birds (What a great combination)
  26. Do you like school? Yeah, except for the school part
  27. If you could choose anyone to rule the world who would you choose? Jesus
  28. Do you like pokemon? No
  29. Do you talk to voices in your head? No comment
  30. Do they tell you to do stuff? Yes
  31. Do you listen? sometimes
  32. Have you ever knocked nail polish all over the desk, mousepad, mouse, etc and had to use cotton balls from your sock drawer to clean it up, while the internet crashes, the phone rings, and the dog barks? yeah except for the dog part
  33. How often do you talk on the phone? every once in awhile *YEAH RIGHT, CARAH*
  34. How often do you surf the web? A lot, most of the time its chattin though
  35. How often do you hang out with friends? Every other weekend or so
  36. Do you have a bf/gf? Not really, I am in 9th grade, I don't what the heck love is
  37. Have you ever loved anyone? Yes?? Does preschool marriages count??
  38. Have you ever made-out with someone? No
  39. Are you loopy? YES!!!!!!
  40. Have you ever broken any bones? no *yes, you have Carah*
  41. If so, which ones? My arm, doing a cartwheel, it's a long story
  42. How often do you shower? Every night and sometimes in the morning
  43. Which group do you hang out with at school? The group w/my friends in it
  44. Do you get good grades? It depends on what you mean by good
  45. Do you always get in trouble? Yeah
  46. Do you get along with your parents? Yeah usually
  47. Are you going to college? Yes
  48. Who is your best girl friend? Becca, Christy, I dunno
  49. Who is your best boy friend? I dunno *Shouldn't it be your boyfriend??*
  50. Who do you talk to the most on the phone? Becca
  51. Who do you talk to the most ont he net? Whoever is online
  52. Do you like email or snail mail better? Email
  53. Do you like gold or silver jewelry? Silver
  54. Have you ever prank-called a 1-800 number? No comment
  55. Have you ever tried to impress your crush and ended up embarrassing yourself? ALL THE TIME!
  56. What are you most afraid of? Clowns
  57. Are you weird? ummmm yes i am very wierd, life is much more fun when you don't have to worry bout impressing peoples and being "cool" u>
  58. How long does it take you to get ready for school? 30 minutes
  59. Do you have a crush? yeah
  60. What are their names? not saying
  61. Do they like you? uhhhh
  62. Do you sleep with one pillor or two? One? What kind of question is that?? *What kind of question are all of these questions?*
  63. Do you like coffee? ohhh the memories, yeah extra sugar and creamer
  64. If not, how come? Cause its nasty
  65. What is the longest you have went out with someone? exactly 3 mo.
  66. Do you regret it? no
  67. How do you know the person who sent this to you? No one sent it to me
  68. Where...

  69. do you want to live? Richmond, VA
  70. is the most fun place to go? Fripp
  71. do you want to meet your husband/wife? wherever
  72. do you want to go (heaven or hell)? Heaven
  73. do you want to get married? Somewhere in VA
  74. What...

  75. was the most fun retreat/trip you ever went on? williamsburg (class trip and Hawai'i
  76. friend is always there? Christy
  77. relative sends you the most money for Christmas? Grandma
  78. do you like about your church or school click? We have fun
  79. do you want to be when you grow up? No sure yet
  80. do you want your husbands name to be? I dunno
  81. is your favorite piece of clothing? Who gives a frap
  82. In the last 24 hours...

  83. cried? no
  84. gotten in major trouble? no
  85. cut your hair? nope
  86. ate a meal? yes
  87. hugged someone? yup
  88. kissed someone? no
  89. made a new friend? no
  90. lost something? Prolly, i just don't know it yet
  91. Have you ever....

  92. been so drunk you passed out? no
  93. gone in public in your pajamas? yehhh
  94. had an imaginary friend? Yes, Samuel the cat
  95. cried during a chick-flick? Yeah
  96. wned a new kids on the block cd? nope
  97. gotten in a car accident? yes
  98. liked someone so much you cried? not really
  99. cussed when your parents were around? no
  100. cussed when your parents weren't around? no
  101. sung in front of the mirror? I don't think so
  102. made faces in the mirror? of course
  103. spent more than one hour on your hair? Can't say that I have *yes you have*
  104. sleep walked/talked in your sleep? Yes, all the time? I don't know about talked in my sleep, cuz I was asleep
  105. watched a scary movie and couldn't sleep all night? no
  106. gone caroling? nope, but i look like i am when christy brings that bonnet thing and puts it on


  107. What is the funniest movie you ever saw? Miss Congeniality
  108. What is the stupidest movie? Big Bird goes to Japan
  109. Which movie could you watch over and over? Little Mermaid or
  110. What was the last movie you saw? Spiderman
  111. Who do you go to the movies with? My friends and family
  112. What movie made you cry the most? i dunno
  113. Did you like Titanic? Sorta, kinda, not really
  114. If you were stranded on an island...

  115. who would you take? ummm my best friend
  116. who would you take if you only had two people you could bring? Christy and Becca
  117. what three things would you bring? vinnilla coke, scissors,duct tape, and a cell phone
  118. what island would you want to be stranded on? Hawaii of course
  119. what animal would you kill for food? I'd kill a cow and get some bacon (inside joke, sorta) *were you even there??* yes i was i was sitting right there you are such a liar becca
  120. would you write on the the sand "â??la la la la la la...!â??"? Oh fun
  121. would you panic or relax? relax
  122. Who...

  123. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? Christy (Beck will forgive me)
  124. If you had to go live in Borneo for the rest of your life and you could take one person on this earth, who would you take? I DON'T KNOW! STOP MAKING ME CHOOSE BETWEEN ALL MY FRIENDS!!!!!!
  125. Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with, not even a smidgen? Christy Harris (it has gotten to the point to where we are equally annoying and special to where we don't annoy eachother
  126. If you woke up one morning and noticed that your leg was missing, who would be the first person you would call? Becca, my yellow dude ran away! She has a special answer for everything that is missing... on top of the TV?
  127. Let's say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week. You can pick the person, but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life, no getting out of it, who would you pick? That one
  128. What if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else comletely, who would you be? someone else
  129. What...

  130. would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex? go back to bed and hope that i was dreaming
  131. if all of a sudden you had the ability to do one thing better than everyone else, have one amazing talent, what would it be? swim
  132. if you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change (personality and looks)? I dunno
  133. would be your dream career? duhhhhh
  134. is the one thing you just have to do before you die? Sneeze with my eyes opened
  135. if you could be a member of any band that has ever existed, what band would that be? I dunno
  136. is the thing you care about the most in your life? God
  137. Which One...

  138. Winter or summer? summer
  139. Beach or mountains? mountains
  140. Pop or punk? punk
  141. Rock or rap? rock
  142. NY or LA? NY
  143. Milk chocolate or dark chocolate? dark
  144. Dogs or cats? cats
  145. Britney or Christina? Who cares?
  146. Leno or Letterman? See above question
  147. mtv or vh1? neither
  148. Country or classical? classical
  149. Day or night? night
  150. Lake or ocean? ocean
  151. Waffles or pancakes? waffles, but who really cares and who is even going to look this far down the stinkin list?
  152. Soccer or football? Football
  153. Baseball or swimming? Swimming!!!
  154. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
  155. sugar or spice? sugar
  156. grisham or canyon vista? Huh?? lol jk
  157. enimem-please stand up or please shut up? SHUT UP
  158. Random

  159. If you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be? The Wizard of oz
  160. If you could design your perfect mate what would he/she look like and be like? ummm i don't know probably he would be nice, sweet, sensative, smart, bold but not stupid, AWESOME MAN OF GOD, blue eyes (or atleast very pretty eyes) same interests as me, make lots of money, and he has to love me for who i am.
  161. If you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars? college, house, 25 meter swimming pool. (practice) live in a pretty little house in richmond VAlol
  162. What is the single most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? No comment
  163. Have you ever

  164. fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking? nope
  165. run into a wall? too many times to count
  166. sleep walked? YEAH
  167. snuck out of the house at night? yeah
  168. gotten in a car wreck where you are the driver? Nope, can't drive yet *why would that stop you??? I can see it now... the newspapers will say, "NATIVE FRIPPIAN STRUCK BY A CRAZED GOLF CART DRIVER!!" i don't know what rebekah is talking about i have drivien a golf cart but not a car. and i have never gotten in a wreck
  169. laughed so hard that what you were drinking speyed out your nose? Can't say that I have
  170. started laughing really hard so you just spit out what you had in your mouth cause you couldn't swallow? lol yeah
  171. swallowed a bug? yeah
  172. have you ever actually kept a new year's resolution? I haven't kept one, lol
  173. if so what was it? look up
  174. saw a few things about the person who sent this to you. .... howdy? no one sent this to me, i copied it off of becca's site
  175. lied to your parents about something really important? no not really important
  176. had your life threatened? does my sister w/a knife count? lol jk
  177. stumbled across FBI secrets online? no!
  178. stayed up until the morning light talking online? no
  179. made people give you really weird glances? lol, have I ever? Like several times, just today....
  180. if yes, how? You don't want to knwo... just various things
  181. read a Shakespeare play? nope
  182. talked in your sleep? don't think so, I was asleep
  183. what did you say? no clue, I was asleep
  184. sung at a karaoke bar? YEAH, I made a complete fool of myself
  185. Would you ever?

  186. eat bug purposely? sure y not
  187. commit a crime? prolly not
  188. change your religion? no
  189. lie to your parents? I have before
  190. jump over a waterfall? oooo fun
  191. change clothes in front of an open window? no
  192. dress up as the opposite sex for an important event? no
  193. go out at night dressed in something like a black trench coat and sunglasses? OMG FUN FUN FUN
  194. sing a harmonized duet in front of 500 strangers? maybe not harmonized, but umm, sure!
  195. tell someone that you liked them if they were much older than you? I wouldn't like someone much older than me, its just stupid
  196. Love/like

  197. who do you like? can't say
  198. have you ever gone out with them? no
  199. have you ever kissed them? no
  201. what is the farthest you have gone witha guy/girl? hand holding... hug? lol, I guess the answer would be, "not very"